
Debate Info

Illegal Legal
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 Illegal (2)
 Legal (2)

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Dmc4(11) pic

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Challenge Debate: Abortions: Legal or Illegal?

Abortions should be illegal because they go gains the 14th Amendment and it is the killing of a defenseless person.


Side Score: 2


Side Score: 2
1 point

Guys since when is killing a person, even at its most early stage of life, been ok? Please explain to me why killing an innocent child who hasn't even gotten a chance at life been ok? If you are a Christian who believes in abortions, then you need to rethink your decision. In the Bible God said for us humans to be fruitful and have many children, so why all of a sudden are you guys supporting the prevention of life outside of the womb? It's sick what is going on and how many people are supporting abortion, because if you don't support it apparently you are a sexist, evil person who doesn't think that women can make their own choices about their life. That's not what people are worried about, we are trying to save these unborn childrens' lives and yet you all want to kill them. It disgusting!

Side: Illegal
1 point

An unborn fetus is not a person .

Side: Legal
Dmc4(11) Disputed
1 point

Well, then what is it? Because if it is just a pile of cells, that will some day become a human if taken care of properly, that isn't really living, then why would someone get an abortion in the first place. I mean if the pile of cells is not human then what is it? Is it a dog? Or is it a cat? Perhaps it is watermelon. If it isn't a human and isn't really living then why do you need an abortion?

Side: Illegal
shaash(434) Disputed
1 point

You need an abortion because it CAN become a human. It has the POTENTIAL to become a human. But, in that case, not having a baby is just as bad as abortion because you are making a POTENTIAL human cease to exist.

Btw I am playing devil's advocate here, I do not have a real stance on this issue, besides that it is not an important one nor is it an easy one to solve. Don't hold me to anything I say, but please take me seriously :)

Side: Legal