
Debate Info

Agree Disagree
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:6
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 Agree (1)
 Disagree (2)

Debate Creator

AbbyNestor(1028) pic

America should be a dictatorial nation.


Side Score: 1


Side Score: 4
0 points

Works well for my country.

North Korea will rule the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: Agree
3 points

Although I agree with unitarian government, where fighting amongst the elected officials doesn't happen (because there's one). I have to disagree with a government run by a dictator. By force or by election, the people are bound to disagree with him eventually, and when he's not ready to give up power, it becomes a battle of the people vs his military.

Not a pretty sight.

Side: Disagree

Most nations with dictators have rebellion and resentment coming from the public. They eventually crumble and fall and that leaves the people with nothing left really. We do have a messed up system but that's because I think we just abuse it. The system could work pretty fine.

Side: Disagree