
Debate Info

Yep Yall be wrong
Debate Score:31
Total Votes:35
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 Yep (12)
 Yall be wrong (11)

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ChickenBeer(250) pic

Americans. -- Super not smart.

A friend of mine met an American and asked. "Is the world's dumbest country really America?"  His response.   "Nope,,,  It;s Europe"


Side Score: 12

Yall be wrong

Side Score: 19

I don't think it is necessarily intelligence which is the issue for most people. The problem is more with the ability to understand and apply reason, and one of the biggest factors impacting that is capitalism. To subscribe to capitalism requires being taught to value the emotional side of the brain and the pleasure centre above the logical side of the brain which deals with reason. The reward system of capitalism is centred on making you feel good rather than making you good, if that makes sense.

Poor education becomes an unfortunate by-product of it because a person does not need to be educated in order to become wealthy, and most people grow to understand this quickly. Animal intelligence is what capitalism requires. One needs to identify prey (to take advantage of) and also avoid becoming prey for something else (being taken advantage of). It's such a clever system because it exploits our animal instincts, but unfortunately at the same time it inhibits us from ever exceeding those limits.

Side: Yep
ChickenBeer(250) Clarified
2 points

We have to agree that America has some of the best schools in the world. I have done fellow work with a few of them. The brainpower is amazing.

But it is like the 1% argument. 1% have the smarts 1% have the money. And we know they ain't the same people!

Social edumacation can be translated too geography and language. If you know what is out there you have a higher probability of caring for anything that does not come out of your own mouth or ass.

That being said sitting in a pub on Bond or Baker street will depress you just as much

Side: Yep
Dawazilu(139) Disputed
1 point

You seem to be confusing reason with morality, although capitalism undermines both for the sake of self-gratification in many ways.

Side: Yall be wrong
1 point

You seem to be confusing reason with morality

You seem to lack the ability to read and interpret English. There are two sides to the brain. The side which deals with reason and the side which gets excited when you get a pay cheque.

Side: Yep
RedRex43(33) Disputed
0 points

I don't think it is necessarily intelligence which is the issue for most people. The problem is more with the ability to understand and apply reason, and one of the biggest factors impacting that is capitalism. To subscribe to capitalism requires being taught to value the emotional side of the brain and the pleasure centre above the logical side of the brain which deals with reason

Trade is a natural survival instinct based in the left side of the brain. Even monkeys and apes do it. What is not natural or instinctual is to think that other animals will gather apples then freely give them to animals that refuse to gather anything themselves. It's an appeal to emotion, that the other animals will accept you into the herd as an equal rather than to parasitically use you for your stupidity.

Side: Yall be wrong
Dawazilu(139) Disputed
1 point

What is not natural or instinctual is to think that other animals will gather apples then freely give them to animals that refuse to gather anything themselves.

You literally just described the relationship between the worker and the business owner.

Side: Yep
1 point

Trade is a natural survival instinct

Trade has got nothing to do with capitalism you irritatingly stupid idiot. Are you under the impression that socialists don't trade? Or communists? You repeatedly claim to us that China is communist and yet China has one of the most active economies in the world.

Side: Yep

"Nope,,, It;s Europe"

Good of you to butcher your own grammar in a debate about intelligence. Excellent work.

Side: Yall be wrong
2 points

Well, I upvoted you on that. I should have proofread better.

Thanks for pointing it out.

Maybe the guy said it was Africa.

Side: Yall be wrong
1 point

Good of you to butcher your own grammar in a debate about intelligence.

Grammar doesn't belong to him, idiot. He might be butchering grammar, but not his own grammar.

When you try to take the high ground in a "debate about intelligence" you are going to lose every time Bronto.


Because you're an idiot.

Side: Yep
Dawazilu(139) Disputed
1 point

Grammar doesn't belong to him, idiot. He might be butchering grammar, but not his own grammar.

And this is a perfect and obvious example of why you are so intellectually dishonest. Everyone knows what someone means when they say "your own grammar" but you have twisted it into a claim of ownership over grammar itself. The last 5 times we debated you used similar, fatally immature semantic twists and called me an idiot without even reading or comprehending 90% of what I was telling you. You read the first sentence, intentionally misrepresented it, then declared that I was an idiot when anyone reading and comprehending the actual substance of our arguments would see that I ripped your non existent logic a new butt hole.

Side: Yall be wrong
1 point

Grammar doesn't belong to him, idiot. He might be butchering grammar, but not his own grammar.

I would gather a more lengthy response if your 2 sentences were coherent. Sadly, they aren't.

When you try to take the high ground in a "debate about intelligence" you are going to lose every time Bronto.

Grammar isn't a topic related to morality. There is no high ground. I allow you the right to be dumber than a box of rocks, and you take me up on that right every time, eh Nom?

Side: Yall be wrong

I don't believe in stupidity, I do however believe in insufficient educational systems - which the US is the master of. They have all the resources to educate their citizens, yet refuse to do so. It is a tragedy.

Side: Yall be wrong
Dawazilu(139) Disputed
0 points

I don't believe in stupidity

Do you mean that stupidity is relative, or that it doesn't exist? Because there are definitely people who are stupid by human standards but by universal standards it's much more difficult to quantify.

Side: Yep
1 point

Well, I disagree. I think there are well-educated people and under-educated people. I believe intelligence is learned.

Side: Yall be wrong
1 point

You should remove the plank from your own eye and then you'll be able see sufficiently clearly to remove the speck that is in your brother's eye.

I mean, your grammar and punctuation are atrocious.

Side: Yall be wrong
1 point

You should remove the plank from your own eye and then you'll be able see sufficiently clearly to remove the speck that is in your brother's eye.

I mean, your grammar and punctuation are atrocious.

Well, at least the things he writes make some kind of coherent sense. Plus, he isn't a raging hypocrite. I constantly correct the grammar in the sentences you write and your response every time is to viciously attack me.

In fact, you downplay the importance of grammar every time I correct you. I like your favourite excuse (i.e. the one you use always) about it being because you are using CD on a phone. Given the thorough working you have given that particular excuse, one has to say it is a wonder it didn't occur to you that might be the reason for the OP's typos.

The fact is Kilcom/Jody/Dermot, that you are a raging scumbag who employs one set of rules when judging yourself, and the opposite set of rules when judging anybody who disagrees with you politically.

Side: Yep