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new drugs It kills about 4 million anima
Debate Score:23
Total Votes:26
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 new drugs (4)
 It kills about 4 million anima (10)

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Mahin(12) pic

Animal experimentation

Animal testing were lasted from the ancient centuries, in order to develop medical stuff and drugs for dicreasing human ilnesses,  but in spite of this every day millions of animals die in laboratories and biological classes.So we should bann with animal experimentation or do it as humans as possible.

new drugs

Side Score: 9

It kills about 4 million anima

Side Score: 14
4 points

I agree with that, because drugs should be tested on animals. If we will ban animal testing, we will have to test it on people.

Side: new drugs
1 point

you are quit right, but today arround the world scientistc made researches and they have possible ways in order to dicrease animal testing, they could test cells of people and make possible solutions about inventing new drugs.

Side: new drugs
Bibi(31) Disputed
2 points

how much scientist in our time and if every of them will do such experiments it can harm the people.

Side: It kills about 4 million anima
1 point

Okay, first of all, I'm ok with testing it on people. We have how many criminals sentenced to life in prison, let's make them useful. Second of all, that's untrue in two ways. One, because we have a number of alternative tests, and two, because we already do test on people - that's the point of the human trials. Animal testing is so unreliable, the results don't translate to humans, so it is entirely possible during the human trials for death to occur.

Side: It kills about 4 million anima
1 point

Testing on animals means not testing on humans. If there was an alternative way of testing for new drugs and medicines it obviously would have been done by now. Some believe that humans should not abuse their power but we already do.

Think of the slaughtering of animals meat, how many animals are killed for our consumption?

Testing on animals is just another way of benefiting mankind and testing for drugs and medicines should be far more acceptable than what we already do to animals.

Side: new drugs
1 point

Untrue. Testing on animals just happens before testing on humans. That's why there are drug trials people can join. There are alternatives to animal testing - in vitro studies, cell research, phototoxicity tests, stem cell, etc. These tests are actually more accurate than vivisection. Companies just don't use the alternatives because they've always used animal testing. Companies that have been pushed to make a change, have managed to eliminate animal testing completely in as little as 40 days. Pharmagene Lab, for instance, designs drugs using alternative methods to animal testing. Less than 8% of the drugs tested successfully on animals are safe in humans.

Side: It kills about 4 million anima
3 points

you people make me sick, saying that drug testing on animals is ok. right imagen if you were an animal, doing whatever and animal does then all of a sudden a human takes you away to a lab. they test lots of drugs on you and eventuly you are put in a small enclosure where theres hardly enogh room to move, then the next day they test more drugs on you, it goes on and on and on until you eventully die of poisoning from the durgs

Side: It kills about 4 million anima
Mahin(12) Disputed
2 points

I agree with your point of view, but such actions have pros and cons, because if the people will ban the animal testing, they will use the people in order to test drug safety

Side: new drugs
1 point

The animal experiments should be banned.This is because it is cruelty to animals.Imagine you were the animal,would you want to be tested on?eventually you would be killed,then what is the purpose of living then?

Side: It kills about 4 million anima
1 point

yes ,I totally agree on this topic,animal experimentation should be banned!It is cruelty to animals

Side: It kills about 4 million anima
1 point

If humans are getting the better of things,then why do it on animals,why don't you find a willing party of humans to experiment?

Side: It kills about 4 million anima
1 point

I sometime hate to belong to the human specie. The amount of torture and cruelty inflicted on animals by us, so-called superior specie, is unimaginable.

Side: It kills about 4 million anima

Stop the cruelty! Those poor animals should be used for any experiments.

Side: It kills about 4 million anima
0 points

you guys make me vomit your scum between my toes your dumber than a horse shoe

Side: It kills about 4 million anima