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 Anonymous and Occupy Wall Street (1)

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ThePyg(6706) pic

Anonymous and Occupy Wall Street

This is a message from oldfag Anonymous to the newfags who liked wearing V masks when they would protest stuff.  It came out before Occupy Wall Street happened, but I find it relevant for anyone who thinks that "Anonymous" supports the movement:

"People these days seem to think we are some sort of Internet vigilante group, That couldn't be further from the truth. We are the little voice in the back of your head that wants to fuck your hot sixteen year old daughter. We are the father who beats his six year old child simply because he spilled his beer. We are every chef that's ever spit in some random person's food for the hell of it. We are the pyromaniac who burns down the homeless shelter for shits and giggles. We are the person who rapes the same girl twice. We are that feeling you get when you beat your pets; and enjoy it. We see some guy hang himself live, we laugh. A wrestler kills his family, we laugh. Some maladjusted Asian shoots up his university, we laugh. Fifty-thousand die in North Korea, we laugh. AIDS ravages a continent, we laugh. An Austrian man locks his daughter in his basement for 24 years and fathers 8 children with her, we laugh. A religion invented by a psychotic writer swindles countless gullible fucktards out of their cash, we laugh, and then go kick his religion's ass just for the hell of it. We aren't some vigilante group righting wrongs. We aren't your friends, your buddies or your saviors. Your feelings mean nothing to us. We are human nature unencumbered by pointless ethics, foolish moralities or arbitrary laws and restrictions. We are every dark impulse you have; unrestrained and fully realized. We are what deep down, you wish you were. We exist as a means for instant gratification, purely at our own whim. We have no culture, we have no laws, written or otherwise. We are an autonomous collective, each an insignificant part of a whole. You cannot assimilate us, we do not change. You cannot defeat us, we do not exist. You cannot infiltrate us, we know our own. We do not sleep, we do not eat and we do not feel remorse. We will tear you apart from outside and in, we have all the time in the world. You operate under the delusion that we will someday be outdated, that we might even see the light. You are irrevocably wrong. You are not special, you are not unique and you aren't crusaders for justice. You're a blend of college age faggots who think that they can do some sort of good, and who are desperate to belong, to have attention. You have accomplished nothing, and you will fall. Enjoy your AIDS, faggots."

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I always find it interesting when I watched the CoS (church of Scientology) videos and saw how serious these people were about taking down Scientology. And the support they got, of course, was from a bunch of "moralfags".

There was a movement, however, of oldfags shooting paintballs at the CoS protesters.

Of course they don't believe in Scientology. They did it for the lulz.

And that's the thing about Occupy Wall Street. Once again, you see people wearing V masks trying too say "lol, Anonymous is Legion and we're gonna expose corporatism". It seems to take a philosophy of chaos and use it to justify their political beliefs. Anonymous is... cool, now.

But the quote that I put is really what was meant of Anonymous. A resistance towards moral restraints and delusions of a "system" that we are all a part of. Sure, Anonymous has no code, that's the point. So things like Newfags is inevitable. I feel, however, that the Oldfags can continue to do what was the original intent of Anonymous and that the Oldfag mentality will continue to exist.

Sure, me talking about this now is already deviating from Anon Philosophy, but in a debate forum, why not deviate for the purpose of argument? To abide by a fake rule (1 and 2, which was created by Newfags) is also deviating from Anon Philosophy. Really, no matter how much we try to talk about it, it is already imperfect. Truly, the actions and feelings (trolling and lulz) are what is Anonymous. Everything else is our imperfect faggotry.

Side: Faggotry