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Debate Score:7
Total Votes:7
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IzetFazlinov(177) pic

Are humans rational beings?

Yes... more or less

Side Score: 1


Side Score: 6
1 point

Well, somewhat. I would make this 'clarify' but being that it's be first post I have to take a side. I see humans as both the most rational and least rational race. At many times we all just let emotions and feelings run our life. But on the other hand, there are many of us (well more like a few of us) that do live out their lives using logic.

Side: Yes... more or less

We are ruled by our instincts that are unconcious. We have internal desiers which we are not aware of. All taht we do is adding rational argumentation to our irrational urges. You'll know what am I talking about if you have read Freud, Jung or psychoanalysists. Id- our irrational part, ego - rationalisation of desiers if forms of argumentation and speech, superego - ideals. Last two arise from the first one.

Side: No

Considering all the emotions we have, and that I've seen exhibited on this site alone, I have to go with no.

If we were we wouldn't have a need for laws that are made to protect people's feelings.

Side: No
1 point

If humans were rational beings, then there would be such a thing as rational transactions in economics. In essence, people would not be buying 4 liter soft drinks if they were rational beings.

Side: No