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Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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Jungelson(3955) pic

Are religious people more single minded than atheists?

Are religious people more single minded for criticising other faiths, or are atheists more single minded for not accepting any faith at all?


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2 points

Every individual has the capability to be single minded, close minded, open minded whatever. No one person is anything entirely based off of any belief. This said I do think generally they are. They stick to their unwarranted belief, usually try to push it onto people, and are rarely ever swayed out of it, no matter what evidence was brought against it.

Side: No.


The answer is Deism.

Side: No.
1 point

I'd say they can be equally vociferous some Religious people can be very pushy with their beliefs because they think they are saving people from damnation and equally some Atheists are the same because they think they are saving people from stupidity.

Side: No.
1 point

No. Given the strong links between autism and atheism, there's empirical evidence to support the argument that atheists are more single minded. Theism demands the mental capacity for abstraction; a faculty which appears to be absolutely absent in both autism and atheism.

Side: No.