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Debate Score:18
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Kinda(1649) pic

Are religious people who deny evolution stupid?

Are religious people stupid for denying evolution or do they not want to believe it as it goes against their beliefs. Some choose not to believe, some argue against it and others outright deny the possibility of evolution... Are they stupid for not believing or do they not want to due to stubborness or other reasons.


Side Score: 10


Side Score: 8
2 points

When there is clear and overwhelming proof that evolution is the process by which life has developed on earth, it is painfully stupid to believe that the earth was created as it is now 6000 years ago by a magical man in the sky. Citing the bible or any other religious text as proof to the contrary is akin to citing Aesop's fables as proof for talking animals.

Side: yes
Kinda(1649) Disputed
1 point

Yes and no. However what about those who refuse to accept it simply because they don't want to. They don't truly deny it exists.. they just refuse to accept it. It's like ignoring a baby crying...

Side: No

Having the ability to learn, but refusing it, is ignorance.

Side: No
vassilgl(55) Disputed
1 point

Knowing something to be true and accepting a contradictory story that you know is untrue is even more stupid. Other people on this debate say that creationists are simply ignorant, not stupid. However, what you are advocating is that these people know the truth and still don't believe it. If that isn't stupidity, I don't know what is.

Side: yes
1 point

1. lacking ordinary quickness and keenness of mind; dull.

2. characterized by or proceeding from mental dullness; foolish; senseless: a stupid question.

3. tediously dull, esp. due to lack of meaning or sense; inane; pointless: a stupid party.

4. annoying or irritating; troublesome: Turn off that stupid radio.

5. in a state of stupor; stupefied: stupid from fatigue.

6. Slang. excellent; terrific.

yes I must say, to deny scientific fact which is backed by huge amounts of evidence is indeed quite STUPID. I know plenty of religious people who completely believe in evolution, and this is possible because religion and evolution are compatible. Science and religion will ultimately not be compatible, but like I said religion and evolution are completely compatible. To deny evolution because of ancient scripts which are almost entirely untrue is a bit stupid.

Side: yes
1 point

A lot of them are stupid and come up with outright stupid, ignorant arguments against it... but a lot choose not to agree with it because it contradicts their faith.

Side: No

Not stupid, but ignorant and perhaps even foolish. To deny what is a widely accepted and evidenced theory is simple ignorance.

Side: No
vassilgl(55) Disputed
2 points

I agree with your definition of ignorance, but I feel that ignorance crosses into stupidity when those who are ignorant, but have the means to inform themselves fail to do so. As is the case with almost all American creationists.

Side: yes
1 point

Yeah that's kinda true.. however I don't think it's as widely accepted as you think it is. Maybe with the scientific community, educated community, developed countries it's more popular.. but outside of that where the vast majority lies it's much less popular.

I know there's a few.. maybe not a lot.. but a few people who are smart, religious, educated etc. but choose to deny evolution because they're strongly religious and say that because it doesn't agree with them.. they don't believe in it.

Side: No
vassilgl(55) Disputed
2 points

Scientific subjects such as the creation and development of the universe aren't really democratic topics. Just because some smart people who believe in evolution are outnumbered by an army of morons who believe in creationism, doesn't give creationism any more validity. Those who believe in creationism when there is clear, scientific evidence against it are either ignorant to the theory of evolution or stupid. But those who continue to believe in creationism despite having access to the truth (like in America) are surely stupid.

Side: yes
0 points

To me I do not see us evolving even if it takes forever it still does not show.

Side: No