
Debate Info

Haaaaay! Bitch! no
Debate Score:10
Total Votes:11
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 Haaaaay! (4)
 Bitch! no (3)

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Hellno(17724) pic

Are there any Fabulous, Gay People out there that are Against Gay Marriage?


Side Score: 7

Bitch! no

Side Score: 3
2 points

Gay bachelors maybe?

Side: Haaaaay!
2 points

Good point! I'm sure there are plenty of young straight dudes that are against marriage.

Side: Haaaaay!
2 points

How do gay Christians resolve this issue? Or Gay Libertarians that think the government shouldn't be involved in marriage in the first place?

Side: Haaaaay!

I know a couple straight people against marriage all together, so why can't there be gay people who believe the same thing.

Side: Haaaaay!
1 point

I don't think there is a single gay person against the legalisation of it.

Side: Bitch! no
lupusFati(790) Clarified
1 point

You don't know many gay people then .

Side: Haaaaay!
1 point

I'm not 'fabulous'. I also view the institution of marriage to be pointless beyond legal recognition of such unions, so this side of the debate doesn't apply either.

Side: Bitch! no

like a boss bosss fsdsdfsdfdfsdsfdfsfsddfssdfsdffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff

Side: Bitch! no