
Debate Info

We are worked into the ground We are fine/could use more
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:8
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 We are worked into the ground (4)
 We are fine/could use more (3)

Debate Creator

Quocalimar(6470) pic

Are we being over worked?

Do you think the populace of your country are being worked too much fro the pay they recieve, substantial or not? Or do you believe that the load is either just enough or actually lacking?

A cartoon of a woman working in a  cubicle on her vacation.

We are worked into the ground

Side Score: 5

We are fine/could use more

Side Score: 3
2 points

The system created in our modern world, in which we are surrounded by institutions, really does work us into the ground. My family is testament to that. This restricts us greatly so that we don't have time to enrich ourselves or have time to think life through. It's one rush to the next and we lose ouselves on the way. That's what the people on top want though: Obedient workers.

Side: We are worked into the ground
1 point

Wow... You read my fucking mind wow...

Side: We are worked into the ground

Many employees are working from paycheck to paycheck. There could at least be a decent minimum wage of $15.00 per hour.

Side: We are worked into the ground

When an eight hour work day consist of an hour of people thinking about getting started at work, two 15 minute paid breaks, an half hour not paid lunch, a half hour thinking about getting back to work and then quitting being productive an hour before getting off work; and you think people are over-worked?

Side: We are fine/could use more
Quocalimar(6470) Clarified
1 point

I don't. You often take my debates offensively, or personally to the point where you feel I take a stance on them. I think it's a simple problem of conveyance, I don't efficiently enough define the point without picking a side. I practice at that.

Side: We are worked into the ground
Thewayitis(4063) Disputed
1 point

Conveyance is all that I do in my arguments, they are not person attacks. If one takes them as person, I suggest they do some reflection and determine why it bothers them.

Side: We are worked into the ground
1 point

Work is how nations grow and are built up. People in developed countries work far less than in less developed countries. That being said, there should be more workers' rights.

Side: We are fine/could use more
1 point

People in the US are overworked for the schedule required of them. In most countries, the work day is 8am to 6 pm, with a two-hour break from 12 to 2pm. This allows workers (who usually live within a few minutes of their job, no crazy commutes like in the US) to go home for lunch, take a nap, and freshen up before returning to work in the afternoon.

Side: We are fine/could use more