
Debate Info

Terrorist Mentally Ill gunman
Debate Score:2
Total Votes:2
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 Terrorist (2)

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runderekrun(159) pic

Bomber Gunmen Debate

When someone lets off a bomb their a terrorist,but when a person decides to shoot at human targets then he/she is a crazy gunman.

I would like to know what CDer's think on the subject,


Side Score: 2

Mentally Ill gunman

Side Score: 0
1 point

If someone shoots someone starts spraying machine gun fire inside a shopping mall, I would have thought that would be terrorising people, non?

And just shooting one person, the shot alone will strike fear in to many peoples hearts.


Usually when someone lets off a bomb, it is to kill the maximum amount of people, and to terrorise them, a sort of psychological warfare. When people shoot each other, it is not in order to scare others, it is to kill an individual/individuals you specifically don't like. But this is not rule. In my opinion, anything someone does that results in the terrorising of people, is.. Terrorising..!

Side: Terrorist

A terrorists is anyone causing terror. A bomber is just better at it. People call crazed gunman terrorists as well, just not as often.

Side: Terrorist
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