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Debate Score:33
Total Votes:35
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babyg41166(105) pic


How do you feel about this subject ahould the bullies DIE or should they live and be Punished

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4 points

No I don't think that bullies should die, but they should be taught a lesson which does not include beating them senseless. Nobody knows what is going through the mind of a bully, everyone reacts different to situations for example: maybe they are being bullied themselves at home and this is the only way they know how to interact with people.

Granted some people are just asses but not all some of them need love.

3 points

See, maybe if someone would have just shown me some love, I'd still be allowed on SodaDump! Hehehe ;)~

2 points

Honey someone showing you love on SH would not have kept you there. In fact you are the one who would have to have shown some love :P

4 points

They shouldn't die , sooner or later someone will kick their a$$... nature takes care of it's self

3 points

hehehehehehehe that is so true. See that is why we keep you around :P

3 points

Die? Well that seems a bit harsh to say the least... maybe just torture them by forcing them to listen to Celine Dion CDs!

2 points

Nope make them watch Obama talk for at least 5 hours and then give them a break and then start them again.

3 points

OMG! That is cruel and unusual punishment if I have ever heard of it.

1 point

I think anyone who bullies should DIE by being tourtured than burned at the stake and hope they rott in hell

Bullies must be reprimanded by the Principal and their parents must meet with the Principal so the Principal can tell the parents that their child must reform or be expelled.