
Debate Info

He did. I saw it My eyes do not work
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 He did. I saw it (1)
 My eyes do not work (2)

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ChinTao(22) pic

Burritolunch posts fake news with no link

He did. I saw it

Side Score: 1

My eyes do not work

Side Score: 2
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Burritolunch posts fake news with no link

Anybody who even bothers to check your links can see that's a lie. You were given a source. In fact, you were given your favourite source.

Side: My eyes do not work
ModerateJew(53) Disputed
1 point

You didn't actually provide a link. So now that the site knows you deliberately post fake news without a link, no one will be able to read anything you say with credibility. That doesn't bode well for you on a debate site.

Side: He did. I saw it
1 point

You didn't actually provide a link.

Anybody who clicks your link can see that I did you crazy bastard. What is the point in even lying about it?

Side: My eyes do not work