
Debate Info

Yes, it can No, it cannot
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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 Yes, it can (3)
 No, it cannot (2)

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hhioh(450) pic

Can knowledge of time affect it's passing?

For example, if you go to bed and see the time, would it be any different to if you slept *without* looking at the time? Can time be affected by knowledge of itself?

Yes, it can

Side Score: 3

No, it cannot

Side Score: 3
1 point

Time and measurements are concepts of the physical world that we live in. The concepts themselves are just illustrations, not the actual thing. So our knowledge of a concept is affecting only the concept.

So yes, time is affected by knowledge.

Side: Yes, it can
1 point

It can effect one's perception of its passing, and even in a real sense, slow or speed our internal "clock." In that way it can be subjective.

But it's also constant somewhat. "Somewhat" because it is effected by mass and speed, but still measurably effected by these things.

So, knowledge effects perception, the reality of time is unaffected by our perception, or even measurement of it... Or some such nonsense.

Side: Yes, it can

If a person looks at the alarm clock and knows he only has 10 more minutes to sleep, most likely he will get up and shut off the alarm.

Side: Yes, it can
2 points

Time itself is not affected by your knowledge of its passing, though your perception of time may change. This is, of course, purely internal, for nothing in the universe is changed to cause time to speed up by a personal revelation regarding the time of day.

Side: No, it cannot

I believe this glory belongs solely to gravitational time dilation.

Side: No, it cannot