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ProUSA(10) pic

Can the US be able to Defeat the Russian and Chinese Millitaries?

Will the US be able to beat the Russians and Chinese with Israel, Britian, Canada, France, South Korea, Japan, Italy, Germany, Austria, Georgia, Spain joining the US. While Russia and China have Iran, Pakistan, Egypt, and North Korea fighting with them. Also how long would this war be. And if the US is able to win how quickly does the US millitary need to act to take down Beijing and Moscow.

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2 points

With the power of mass production on the side of Chinese and Russians. The US millitary would have to act quickly and with precision. The US millitary is already prepare. In many parts of the former Soviet Union such as Kazakhstan we have USAF air bases that within the first 30 min of an Attack the US military will have jets and bombers heading to Beijing and Moscow. This is one of the reasons there hasn't already been a war where China and Russia fight against the US. They don't have any bases that close to the US. But if the Russians and Chinese are able to stall the US for 10 years then the US will give up. But with true American spirit after an attack on American Soil the US should win either way.

2 points

HAHAHAHAHAHA...oh you actually think they would stand a chance...well that's awkward.

Maybe if the "great" USA didn't have a debt worth a few trillion dollars they may stand a chance, otherwise you're only dreaming bud.


I agree with you in that the USA doesn't stand a chance against Russia or China...though Russia and China don't stand a chance against us either. Once the first nuke is dropped, everyone is fucked.


I would rather not find out. Theoretically, based on military spending, the answer is yes. War and destruction is never good.

1 point

"Israel, Britian, Canada, France, South Korea, Japan, Italy, Germany, Austria, Georgia, Spain "

All these allies changes the original title, why are you trying to better your country up by only mentioning it's name (of a whole list of equally great countries) against 2 of the most powerful nations on the planet.

I'm going to reply to this like it states in the title:

"Can the US be able to Defeat the Russian and Chinese Millitaries? "

Of course not you imbeicile

Side: Of course not you imbecile

Let's see when was the last time the USA defeated an enemy. Was it Vietnam, Korea, Iraq, Afghanistan, nope it was none of these. What was the last victory the USA won? Grenada. Pretty amazing the USA was able to beat all 5 of the enemy.

Germany thought they were advanced enough to defeat Russia in WWII, they thought wrong. What makes you think that a country that hasn't won a war can win one now. The numbers aren't in favor of the USA.

Side: Of course not you imbecile