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 Celebrities Are Hiring! Who Would You Hate to Work For? (8)

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Celebrities Are Hiring! Who Would You Hate to Work For?

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2 points

I'd day any overtly bratty, arrogant person but I think I'll specify it now to Paris Hilton.

2 points

Rosie O'Donnell

1 point

I'd hate to work for most celebrities. Especially the obnoxious ones of the female gender, such as Hilton or Spears.

Kim Jong-Un, Hugo Chavez, Vladimir Putin, to name a few. I can't imagine any of them being particularly lenient if I slagged them off on Facebook. At least, I'll be fired. At most, the secret police will rake my face off with rabid cats.

"Hugo Chavez,...I can't imagine any of them being particularly lenient if I slagged them off on Facebook. At least, I'll be fired. At most, the secret police will rake my face off with rabid cats."

I think you're seriously misjudging the character of Chavez (and/or his regime), you seem to be portraying him as some kind of tyrant, he is anything but, personally I would consider it an honour to work for him.

I think this quote says it all really:

"According to The Washington Post, citing statistics from the United Nations, poverty in Venezuela stood at 28% in 2008,[259] down from 55.44% in 1998 before Chávez got into office.[260] Economist Mark Weisbrot found that, "During the ... economic expansion, the poverty rate [was] cut by more than half, from 54 percent of households in the first half of 2003 to 26 percent at the end of 2008. Extreme poverty has fallen even more, by 72 percent. These poverty rates measure only cash income, and does take into account increased access to health care or education."[246][261]"

Supporting Evidence: Hugo Chavez (
1 point

The only ones I would have a problem working for are the spoiled rich girls and boys. The ones who have really no reason to be famous but are because they're so stupid or because they play with their parent's money.

.... Serious actors, singers, or anyone with serious talent is okay with me, because at least they've got something.

1 point

I would have to choose all the nutty ones I don't.

The chef on "Hell's Kitchen." I don't think I could stay there for 15 minutes.