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I agree. I disagree.
Debate Score:17
Total Votes:18
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 I agree. (13)
 I disagree. (1)

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Sitara(11075) pic

Children should start learning at least one foreign language in the first grade.

Seriously, the smartest people in the world come from countries who do this. My one Arab friend from Iraq began studdying Enlish in mabye the frist, second, or third grade, and he is smart. The American public school system is pathetic. Other countries are laughing at us because we suck at teaching children. Facepalm.

I agree.

Side Score: 16

I disagree.

Side Score: 1
2 points

My father taught me English when I was 4 (after russian of course) most nations actually do this

Side: I agree.
1 point

That is so cool. :)

Side: I agree.
1 point

Learning a new language not only makes you more tolerant to other cultures, but it improves brain function.

Side: I agree.
2 points

Yes, my Arabic teacher told me also that it helps you to use many parts of your brain at once and coordinate them (I believe it was three different parts).

Side: I agree.
1 point

That is so cool. :)

Side: I agree.
1 point

I know, right? :D

Side: I agree.
1 point

Yes! You know, they should learn 2 when they are young. I think Sweden or Finland requires this. In a modern world, knowing other languages is key. I think every student should know Spanish, then a language of their choice.

Side: I agree.
1 point

You rock! I so agree. :)

Side: I agree.
1 point

I wish we could have done that in my school, we had to wait until 5th/6th grade to get any foreign language classes. Studies show that children learn languages better when they are younger. It would be so much better if we could learn from such a young age, but I don't know of any school that does that.

Side: I agree.

Well, it wouldn't harm First Graders to learn another language.

Side: I agree.
0 points

We do not suck at teaching children, the children do not pursue their dreams, or push themselves to study harder. We work hard to teach them, but they do not work hard themselves. Therefore,why teach a child a foreign language,if they won't use it. It will be a waste of time and money to hire the teachers. This is coming from a child herself. I am in elementary school.

Side: I disagree.
Sitara(11075) Disputed
2 points

Yes we do. We are dumbing down children. They are not reaching their full potential because politicians do not have the balls to demand a better education. I know this because I am an American. I experienced the American public school system. Science has proven that the earlier you start foreign languages, the better. Fetuses start retaining language around 30 weeks maybe. If I had children, I would rather have them attend an Iraqi public school than an American one. At least the Iraqis teach their children what they need to know.

Side: I agree.
1 point

I know this experience firsthand. not only do students not get as good of an education, as you say, but teachers of children as young as Elementary/Preschool age will honestly hold children back from their full potential. When parents ask if their children can have any enrichment opportunities, the teachers will often say "all parents think that their child is special, your child isn't, either." In this way, nobody gets ahead. Nobody feels insignificant for not doing as well in school. My first grade teacher did this, and now my younger brother (third grade) is being applauded for his skills, though he is purposely below average. He will hardly ever read, and when he does it is nine times out of ten a school assignment. If we had foreign language classes from a young age, it might not change that, but at least a few more students might actually try in school. Other countries often require English classes, and foreign speakers generally have better English grammar in my experience. What's the difference? They are not held back. There is a push to learn and do well in school.

Side: I agree.
HiNRa(15) Disputed
1 point

In some ways, you are right. Students do not try. They do not care about school at all. Only a few students do, and those of us who care are essentially told not to care, by our peers or by adults around us. Not only, though, would students be learning new language, but it creates jobs. This also is coming from a student. In middle school.

Side: I agree.