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papa's favorite for a reason not yet..
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 papa's favorite for a reason (3)
 not yet.. (2)

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saprophetic(389) pic

Chip off the old block - Kim Jong Un a nuclear armed threat?

In the wake of Kim jong Il's death, there has been some speculation on the future of North Korea, including rumors that Un will be wanting to cement his power by focussing on the war with South Korea. Il's brother-in-law will likely take de facto leadership for now, mentoring Un.

Considering estimates of the number of nuclear weapons North Korea owns (anywhere up to a dozen), is this cause for concern?

papa's favorite for a reason

Side Score: 3

not yet..

Side Score: 2

Kim Jong Un is equally, if not more insane than his father was. He may not be a nuclear threat to the U.S. just yet, but other countries should certainly be on their guard...

Side: papa's favorite for a reason
1 point

Most definitely a threat to international security. The Canadian Forces are ready for international disputes in the near future, expecially in regards to North Korea. As are the US Forces, I'm certain.

Side: papa's favorite for a reason

It is now 2015 and Kim Jong-un is a bunch of hot air, however, he is an evil dictator.

Side: papa's favorite for a reason

He hasn't threatened the U.S. much from what I've seen and he has certainly been made a huge joke. from memes to songs to even a movie making fun of him. Me, along with many more, just think he is a joke.

Side: not yet..

Also from what I've heard he doesn't seem to be trying to make to many threats against anyone.

Side: not yet..