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 Cloning (3)

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KingCarey(12) pic


What is your opinion on cloning?

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1 point

I believe that cloning can be amazing under certain circumstances. Imagine... imagine having all of the slaves you could ever want! "But wait," you say. "Isn't that mean to the clone?"

No! Not if we take out the parts of their brains that feel pain, sorrow, despair, or basically anything that isn't involved with working.

Marberry(10) Disputed
1 point

You'll have to wonder why we'd need clones instead of mechanized systems, not only that but we could also argue if the clones are still considered human and if so they'd need to be treated as humans.

What if the clones decide not giving their own vital organs as transplants? Then what? You let your own clone live while you die? Or would most people have their clone killed in order to save their own life?

Wouldn't that be considered murder?

What about domestic disputes because someone accidentally had intercourse with the clone thinking it was their bf/gf?

What about the emotions the clones would go through when finding out that they are not the originals?

1 point

I believe that cloning is good in someways but bad in others