
Debate Info

Using clone cells for medicine Harm to embryos
Debate Score:28
Total Votes:29
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 Using clone cells for medicine (6)
 Harm to embryos (4)

Debate Creator

Serik1994(17) pic

Cloning in the future

What perspectives pros and cons will has in the future?

Using clone cells for medicine

Side Score: 13

Harm to embryos

Side Score: 15
4 points

Firstly I want to focus your attention on some problem in medicine. Do you know how cloning can help today’s medicine? Of course you know. First, cloned cells could be used to cure incurable diseases, such as cancer.

Side: Using clone cells for medicine
DaurenB(5) Disputed
1 point

Well, unless the oncology is still developing sphere of medicine, it is doubtful that we , by "we" I mean "humanity", can start cure cancer immediately.

Side: Harm to embryos
3 points

And I want to add that cloned organs could be used for transplants also to cure incurable diseases. Of course it is sound awful, if we will use clones like kind a treatment for people, but on the other hand medicine system will make a huge step toward immortal future. It can help rejuvenate, reverse heart attacks, infertility, plastic, reconstructive and cosmetic surgery, and take away defective genes and many other important benefits. It does this by allowing scientists to remove or create new cells.

Side: Using clone cells for medicine
3 points

Let’s take a look on our environment, it is hard to admit, but the flora and fauna of the earth dies, and practically we can’t do anything significant in order to save extinction species. Cloning will help to restore balance between humanity and nature. And again example with cloned sheep Dolly, it is really useful discovery, because now we slightly know how to clone animal. And with this knowledge we have to move on, and learn how to revive them. Revive what we have destroyed, correct our mistakes, safe our planet.

Side: Using clone cells for medicine
DSClay(2) Clarified
2 points

Well, I'm not sure, how can be balance between humanity and nature can be restored?

Side: Using clone cells for medicine

Great idea! Perhaps medical science will be able to find the cures for cancer and diabetes.

Side: Using clone cells for medicine
7 points

Due to the first experiments, which were held with Dolly the Sheep, there was high tendency of embryo deaths. Only 1 attempt was successful out of over 270. Thus, it can be applied to humans. And if there will be question of selecting to perform cloning with the costs of human's life, it would be right to not clon one.

Side: Harm to embryos
4 points

Well, your argument is based on ethical consideration, which is also important. Considering this side of the question, it is also unethical to clone people, because choosing the children's personality and making the identical and unique copy of a person can not be ethical.

Side: Harm to embryos
Serik1994(17) Disputed
1 point

if we will always fear this deaths, the progress will never appear.

Side: Using clone cells for medicine
2 points

The technique is extremely risky right now. A particular worry is the possibility that the genetic material used from the adult will continue to age so that the genes in a new-born baby clone could be - say - 30 years old or more on the day of birth. Many attempts at animal cloning produced disfigured monsters with severe abnormalities. So that would mean creating cloned embryos, implanting them and destroying (presumably) those that look imperfect as they grow in the womb.

Side: Harm to embryos
Serik1994(17) Disputed
1 point

Paster, victims is necessary for humanity to move forward in the science and achieve high results in the future. Now cloning can be abnormal, but in the future it will become something like an everyday occurrence.

Side: Using clone cells for medicine