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Keep it wrapped Are you serious
Debate Score:12
Total Votes:12
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 Keep it wrapped (7)
 Are you serious (5)

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dcovan(170) pic

Condemns in Prison?

San Fran recently installed condemn dispensers in prisons. Is this wierd to you.

Keep it wrapped

Side Score: 7

Are you serious

Side Score: 5
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1 point

This is wrong on so many levels. I was blown away when i heard of this. I can think of zero reasons to spend taxpayer money on this. Love to see a view that supports this and see the rationale.

Side: Are you serious
zombee(1014) Disputed
1 point

How about stemming the spread of STDs?


Side: Keep it wrapped
aveskde(1935) Disputed
1 point

This is wrong on so many levels. I was blown away when i heard of this. I can think of zero reasons to spend taxpayer money on this. Love to see a view that supports this and see the rationale.

What blows you away?

That adults have sex?

That prisoners in male-only facilities will still try to have sex?

That the prison is trying to fight the spread of disease?

Side: Keep it wrapped
dcovan(170) Disputed
1 point

WOW I cant believe the arguments. People are in jail for breaking laws. Sex in jail is illegal. So to prevent spread of STDs you give condemns instead of enforce the laws. Also no clue here just the rumors everyone hears about rape in prison, I dont think the rapists will worry about passing stds anyway.

Side: Are you serious
ricedaragh(2482) Disputed
1 point

Maybe it is to stop unwanted pregnancy. :)

Side: Keep it wrapped
1 point

This argument makes me laugh for the simple fact that not only is it a simplistic and ridiculous argument,it's highly irrational. Ok,I'll give you some credit because I can understand that you may be trying to be sensitive to prisoner's catching STD's and such. But really,prisoners shouldn't be having sex in prison in the first place,and since they want to go ahead and have sex regardless of what the law says or whatever,I say let them do it without penalty. Considering the fact that of them are crabs infested child molesters in the first place,I don't see why one would go so far as to put more money on tax payers just so prisoners can have "safe sex".

Side: Are you serious
zombee(1014) Disputed
1 point

Oops, I posted a new reply instead of editing this one. My mistake.


Side: Keep it wrapped
zombee(1014) Disputed
1 point

Do not spout random bits of information without verifying their validity, just because you have an idea or feeling about what prison is like. I attached a source breaking down the prison population by crime committed; nearly half are in for drug offenses. The population of prisoners who committed murder/kidnapping/assault offenses is under 4%. The population of sex offenders, or 'crab infested child molesters' is 1.0%.

Many of these prisoners will someday be out of prison. Some of them even get conjugal visits. Do their prison STDs magically disappear when they are sexually active with a non-prisoner? No? Then perhaps it is better if they don't have STDs at all.

Whether or not prisoners are supposed to be having sex, they are. Until prisons find a way to reliably stop that from happening, condoms are a way of assuaging negative side affects. Less STDs in a society is good for society in general.

Side: Keep it wrapped
dcovan(170) Disputed
1 point

For all the evolution people STD = natural selection. Im sorry but other than someone getting raped or being lied to about STDs I feel no pity for people with STDs. Its preventable. I can go to bed everynight and know i dont have to worry about STDs. Plenty of bad things can happen to me but STDs are self inflicted in most cases.

Side: Are you serious