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BMullins99(5) pic

Crimsly Cranberrydale's The Roast Game: Families Ate Children

Families have been slaughtering children for not believing in Christmas since 1998 until pretty much all of the Christians died during the June 1-11th 2017 mission to bomb pretty much every church in america. This topic would prove that families have been eating their own children just like senseless animals from "An All Dogs Go To Heaven Christmas Carol" from 1998.


Side Score: 2


Side Score: 0
1 point

The Roast Game is pretty simple

You ask the family member "What is special about a Christmas roast?"

He says "Let me guess, is it ham? turkey? beef? chicken? pork?"

You tell him "no"

You ask him "Who or what do you believe is special?"

He responds "Children, children are the most special"

You tell him "So, You and your family eat children as your " Christmas Roast"

Then he freaks out.

The video I'm about to show is just such an interesting theme song for this topic

The Roast Game - Bryan Mullins and The International Wine Club Orchestra

Side: Yes
1 point

Pretty convincing enough to understand the topic itself, plus it just sounds logical with the questions and answers that chills me out. So yeah!

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