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Debate Score:11
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YIsRisenLord(1202) pic

DO gun bans lead to a higher crime rate?


Side Score: 5


Side Score: 6

As plainly as I can put it, yes.

The phrase: If you outlaw guns, then only outlaws will have them.

A Harvard study released around 2007, came to the conclusion that gun control of this sort. Is vastly counterproductive.

Side: Yes.
1 point

Unfortunately, there is more than one way to commit murder....have you ever seen the Texas Chainsaw Massacre? Yeah. You can also use axes, hatchets, knives etc etc etc to do so....Guns or no guns, crime still happens. Obviously crime needs to be stopped. That's why cops are around. However, it is because of crime overall, guns are needed to be used to protect peoples' families from intruders and such. Just to say, some people who illegally become serial killers have even used chemicals and alcohol along with any resources to make explosives in order to harm the populace.

"Some men do not want to be saved. Some men simply want to see the world burn." Alfred Pennyworth to Bruce Wayne

Think back to the Manson Murders. They used knives besides guns and even a sledge hammer. Yes "Tex" Manson, you are a dead man walking. I pray God sends you straight to hell where you belong and I hope you get squashed in jail because you deserve zero leniency.

Side: Yes.

DO gun bans lead to a higher crime rate?

Dana, please. Whatever you are watching, please watch something else. Why would removing society's most dominant instrument of crime lead to a higher crime rate? What possible logic would there be in that? Do car bans lead to higher numbers of speeding tickets? Do food bans lead to higher numbers of fat people?

I just don't understand how you -- or indeed anybody -- can even believe this. It's ridiculous. The sale of guns in the US generates an enormous amount of profit, and the people who benefit from that profit are the precise same people putting forward these absurd arguments.

The best way to disempower criminals is to take away their guns. It is then harder for them to provoke fear and less safe for them to commit crime. Without the confidence and sense of power a gun bestows, many of these people would simply get jobs.

Side: No.
YIsRisenLord(1202) Clarified
2 points

Listen honey, I have leftist AND conservative veiws. That's why I am a centrist.

Side: Yes.

Listen honey, I have leftist AND conservative veiws. That's why I am a centrist.

Honey comes from wasps. Yes it does and I will never change my mind.

Sticky bun?

Side: No.
1 point

In away yes,but also no.If we ban guns then it is possible that the crime rate will go down.But on the other hand the crime rate would go up because there a people who will sell guns with out anyone knowing.Lets call them gun dealers.They will sell them for thousands of dollar and people will pay for this.So the gun dealers will be getting millions of dollars and the crime rate would go up because the gun dealers would sell hundreds of guns a day.2 of them could be sold to the same person.But if i had to answer it would be a no it would not go up that is the most likely.

Side: No.