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Debate Score:21
Total Votes:21
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 For (9)
 Against (8)

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jennet(8) pic

Death Penalty

MAny countries in the world have provissions for capital punishment in their legal system, while quite a few do not. Consequintly the burning debate of should death penalty be allowed is an extremelly complicated issue with umpteen interwining. Moreover it has created a sort of divide between countries and crossculture. 


Side Score: 12


Side Score: 9
2 points

Kristina, thank you for the link I did take look and the most interesting and probably discuss able question could be about mentally disabled people. These people should be kept in the hospitals or under a strict home control.

Side: For
1 point

Killing someone is unethical. God gave the life to the person, and only He can take it away.

Side: For
karisha(3) Disputed
1 point

but don't you think people killing others do not act unethically?

Side: For
2 points

yes they do act unethically but the question if we should or not accept death penalty? Please take a look at the article on the following link here is the number of states in the USA that have and do not death penalty

Side: For
1 point

in my opinion all people who tend to harm others are acting unethically and moreover psychologists should work with them

Side: For

I think the punishment should fit the crime. I think if you killed someone, you get killed. Rape someone? Take it up the ass from a guy named Sully. Beat someone up? Get beat up. Steal a few bucks? Have your piggy bank stolen. Hit and run? $3000 in car repairs for you!

Of course...this is just my would never hold up in court or in society. I do, however, agree with the death penalty in some cases of murder and rape.

Side: For
2 points

Think of thousands and thousands of people who were killed during the wars and who are killed on daily basis for different reasons. Do they deserve it? think of small children and innocent babies, what did they do to deserve to be killed and not have a chance to live the life that was given to them by GOD?

Side: Against
1 point

I completely agree with your argument. why do small children should suffer from someones mistakes

Side: Against
1 point

If someone killed the other person, they should be killed as well. everybody should be responsible for their actions. what goes around comes around.

Side: For
kristina(5) Disputed
2 points

there are different cases of why people do this or that and we are not the ones to judge them.

Side: For
1 point

I do not quite agree with any of you because the idea about that we are not the ones to judge someone and kill them but at the same time what would you do with the person who would harm someone very dear to you?

Side: Against
1 point

I party support your point of view. I would do everything so that the person who harmed someone dear to me would be punished.

Side: Against
1 point

I see your point, but honestly in the judicial system, we need to put aside sentimentality and personal vendettas. Sure, if someone kills my sister vs. someone killing an absolute stranger, I'm going to be very angry and very deeply hurt by it than if he had killed a random stranger. But in a court of law, it doesn't matter. Everybody means something to somebody somewhere; that doesn't mean we can jack up a killer's punishment.

Side: For
1 point

Karisha you do say that they should be punished. But doesn't it mean that death penalty can be avoided? Yes, there is a possibility to punish these people by putting them in jail for lifetime. They will have time ti think of what they have done and there are people who did kill people accidentally and they do regret and some of them end their life by suicide.

Side: For
1 point

I think death penalty is good idea, but only for people who killed someone. In other cases it is not good because I think if you was stolen something it doesn't mean that you should be killed.

Side: For

I do not support the Death Penalty because it is barbaric. I think the Death Penalty should be abolished.

Side: Against