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Instigator Contender
Debate Score:2
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 Contender (2)

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Deism is irrational



Deism is a belief in the existence of a supreme being, specifically of a creator who does not intervene in the universe. The term is used chiefly of an intellectual movement of the 17th and 18th centuries that accepted the existence of a creator on the basis of reason but rejected belief in a supernatural deity who interacts with humankind.

I derived these contensions from a dictionary and the bible to support my argument.

If God no longer assumed control over life, exerting no influence on natural phenomina, and giving no supernatural revelation, how did he open up space in the Jordan river for Jesus to cross.

There could possibly be an exception:
If their definition of Deism is not precise and very specific.


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Deism is not a specific religion but rather a particular perspective on the nature of God. Deists believe that a creator god does exist, but that after the motions of the universe were set in place he retreated, having no further interaction with the created universe or the beings within it. As such, there are a variety of common religious beliefs that deists do not accept."

To begin with you use the bible to support your argument. Your are an Atheist who purports to be a Christian. Atheists do not believe in God. The bible is the word of God.

Using the bible (the word of God) to make the argument that deism (the belief that God doesn't intervene) is "irrational", doesn't make sense. It's like attempting to define a word, but using that word in the definition.

Science is more accurate than blind faith in the bible. Scientific facts are proven facts and can be proven throughout time. Finding a highly religious catholic or christian scientist is rare, but you do find scientists with faith. Faith and Religion are two different things.

"Because God does not manifest himself directly, he can only be understood through the application of reason and through the study of the universe he created. Deists have a fairly positive view of human existence, stressing the greatness of creation and the faculties granted to humanity such as the ability to reason. As such, deists reject all forms of revealed religion. Any knowledge one has of God should come through their own understanding, experiences and reason, not the prophecies of others."

Deists believe in reason and logic. For you to say that deism is irrational because of a "religious" book that is not backed by fact or science is absurd. Deism is rational. Your knowledge of God should be from your relationship with him. Not because of "miracles" preformed hundreds of years ago that shows the son of God was real, so you should believe in his father too.

And in the end I feel that saying that any one's belief is "irrational" is wrong. People can believe what they want to believe. Even if it is proven through science. Even if it contradicts your beliefs completely. Everyone has their own reasoning. There is no need to force your beliefs of God or Atheism (can't tell because you can't make your mind up) onto other individuals. Condemning, judging, and looking down on others for their own personal ideas is irrational.

Side: Contender
1 point

"Jesus" is a religious prophet who may or may not have existed. He definitely exists in the Bible and in the faith of individuals. THAT IS CHRISTIANITY.

You can not say that Deism (The belief of a God who does not intervene) is irrational with the premises of another religion.

I have come to the conclusion that saying that ones belief is "irrational" is wrong.

Side: Contender