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cook on my own order in a restaurant
Debate Score:1
Total Votes:1
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 cook on my own (1)

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luckypenguin(14) pic

Delicious snacks

Do you like to get together and cook something? Or do you prefer to order food and drinks in a restaurant? My friends and I have a tradition of each bringing an appetizer to a party that we cook at home or we all cook together. My favorite appetizer, which all my friends love, is fried shrimp. If you've never made them, you should definitely give them a try . It's really good. And we also like to add some interesting ingredients, like . Share your favorite recipes. It will be interesting.

cook on my own

Side Score: 1

order in a restaurant

Side Score: 0
1 point

usually i just make some eggs as a snack if its the only thing in there. but sometimes i like slicing some fruits (usually apples or strawberry but almost any fruit would do) and making a chocolate dip by melting Hershey's chocolate putting it in a bowl then putting the fruits in a stick then dipping it. i like eating this while i study added with royal usually.

another one i like doing is getting rice, mayonnaise, canned tuna, and seaweed and combining the rice, mayo, and tuna then wrapping it in the seaweed.

Side: cook on my own
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