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Debate Score:2
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Trina(8) pic

Did Stalin's rule destroy USSR?

Stalin implemented rapid industrialisation (in the cities) and collectivisation (in the countryside) to achieve the following aims:

(1) Catch up with the West

(2) Produce Armaments to defend USSR

(3) Get Machines for farms

(4) Export grain to buy raw material for factories

(5) Excess Labour from farms to work in factories Did his economic policies achieve these aims?


What was the impact (positive / negative) on USSR?


Side Score: 1


Side Score: 1

Stalin was a mass murderer like Hitler. He brings shame to Russia.

Side: Yes

Did it have a positive impact on the USSR? No, seeing as how the unsustainable economic model heavily contributed to the collapse of the Soviet Empire. I am tempted to say it didn't have a positive impact on Russia either, considering the millions upon millions of people that Stalin killed. But I suppose in the long term, it had the effect of industrializing the country we now consider to be Russia, which allowed them to be a major player in modern politics and global economics.

Side: No