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 Do YOU Have A Season? (10)

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Kuklapolitan(4313) pic

Do YOU Have A Season?

Many people have a season they not only love but in which they feel more prone to action and in which they feel more fit in every way.  Since we do have four seasons I filed this under Popularity Contest.  For some of us, the seasons are not all that different from one another but there are one or even two in which this phenomenon occurs.  What does it for you and how does it make you feel?   Cool Frown Surprised Wink

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3 points

My favorite season of the year is summer, it may be upper 90s and almost unbearable but it does not change the good days of fishing off of a boat or a dock, swimming in my pool, laying out on the beach, or watching some good movies inside the icy theater, and of course no worry of school

Side: Summer

I don't know how you do it down there cutie...but as long as you're near or in the water it's fine by me. I used to be a Summer beach bum myself and had a boat, albeit only 18 Ft. long, but we did some mean fishing off that boat for many years. It seems that the older I get the more the extremes get to me.

Side: Spring and Early Summer

Oh, I definitely have a season and it's all centered around sunshine and warmth. Late spring and early summer are my seasons because they make me feel alive and well. I accomplish more, I'm outside more and I enjoy tending to my gardening when my body allows me to. Light seems to be key and the longer days allow me to function better than the darker seasons.

Side: Spring and Early Summer

Sure I do. Late summer and autumn. Those are my seasons, and are the best of them all. Of course, I love spring because of the Japanese Cherry Blossoms, but it can't be my season because of my pollen allergy. That can sometimes make spring pretty Hellish

Side: Autumn and Late Summer

Yours are beautiful seasons as well and most especially if we are lucky enough to have a gorgeous "Indian Summer" to bridge the gap. It seems as though everyone I know has seasonal allergies and I realize these cannot be the best of times for one who suffers.

Side: Spring and Early Summer
2 points

Summer! I hate even a hint of cold. It gets over 110 degrees here in the summer, even as high as 118 or 120 on freak days, and I don't care, I'll take that over 65 degrees any day.

Side: Summer
2 points

I love love love love love summer so much. My birthday is the first day of summer (June 20), which is also the longest day of the year :)

I really don't mind the heat, but actually prefer it. And I can't wait until this summer, since I plan on going to the beach constantly and getting some skin cancer... I mean, a tan.

Side: Summer
1 point

Definitely summer is also the season for me. I just love going to the beach and spending most of my days there. The warmth (hotness) of the season makes you do all things that the only this time of the year allows you. I always love having a bonfire at the beach with buddies and my family. I also feel more productive during this time of the year and my energy is always at it peak.

Side: Summer

Hi Rafael and thanks for joining us! Yes, summer is a beautiful time to enjoy those things that come with it. I'm a summer baby too...August 13th and I am at peak if the darned humidity doesn't get me down for the count.

Side: Spring and Early Summer

When Fall arrives, I feel that I am at my most energetic because the weather in AZ gets cooler and I have Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas approaching.

Side: Spring and Early Summer