
Debate Info

Yes No. Screw Satan
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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 Yes (2)
 No. Screw Satan (2)

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Intangible(4934) pic

Do musicians lose their soul when they sign a record deal?


Side Score: 4

No. Screw Satan

Side Score: 2
3 points

They start to become driven by money and lose the side of them who brought them to the stage. In desperation to recover it, many artists engage in drugs to find the slightest amount of inspiration that will allow them to make more money. This self destructive cycle goes on and on till they are no longer whom they used to be

Look at Hollywood stars before and after

Side: Yes

I see it all the time in movies and a lot of movies are based off true stories.

Side: Yes

Not at all.

The idea of a musician 'selling out' and 'losing their soul' is questionable at best. If, however, it is in fact a thing- it does not happen when they sign a record deal, but rather well before that point. If anything, it happens when the musicians focus begins to be the money rather than the music.

Personally, though, I think those who accuse their favorite musicians of selling out are in fact acting like a bunch of entitled pricks; as if the artist has a responsibility to only play the style of music that the fan approves of.

Side: No. Screw Satan
Intangible(4934) Clarified
1 point

Personally, though, I think those who accuse their favorite musicians of selling out are in fact acting like a bunch of entitled pricks; as if the artist has a responsibility to only play the style of music that the fan approves of.

I do wonder why some people think like that.

Maybe it's because they feel like they're being cheated on?

Side: Yes
thousandin1(1931) Clarified
1 point

Cheated on? Interesting. Probably right; I think that's probably the closest thing we have to a term to describe that.

Side: Yes

Not in the past month or so, but... What soul? Or, what soul symbolizes to you? Soul could be, life, holiness etc. Clarify that for me please. Souls don't exist further than our imaginations and fantasies, and that's why I think it could be a metaphor for something. - And singers who sell out just achieved what they wanted. And the valued amount of cash they own overtakes their hobbies and music quality. But... It still depends. Money is beneficial and because of the new opportunities different perspectives and thoughts arise. - So don't blame souls. Just take a closer look at the music. And make a decision judging by your taste, does it suit the product musicians serve to you? - And if you find that some musical groups are horrible with their reproduction and mixes. Hint: You might just not like them and shouldn't take them seriously.

Side: No. Screw Satan