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 Do you ever want to live long ago? When and where? Read the description, please! (9)

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johnbonham32(2426) pic

Do you ever want to live long ago? When and where? Read the description, please!

I was thinking today that I often find myself daydreaming about what my life would be like perhaps 1,000 years ago. Even a smaller time ago; 500 years, even 200. Anywhere in the world you'd care to be at anytime in the far past (beyond a century) you ever wish your life could be like that? I always figured it would be fun to be an outlaw in the West, or an explorer on the American Frontier, or a bandit or thief in Medieval Europe, or a Viking soldier in 7th century Scandinavia. In the days when there was much discovering to be done, and there wasn't so much rigidity in the world as there is today. Wouldn't that life be fantastic?

What do you think? When and where would you like to live? What would be your ideal place to be?

And I don't mean like 40s 50s or 60s, for you young kids who missed the "good ol' days". I mean a long time ago. 

Tell me your thoughts!

Alternatively: Tell me why you wouldn't like to go back, and why you like your life currently!

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3 points

My choice would be the USA in the late 1800's and early 1900's. Tradesmen were respected and China junk didn't flood the market. Work wasn't the four letter word it is today.

Side: Early 1900's
2 points

I like what I know about Crete around 1700 BC. The Minoans seemed egalitarian and artistic without much emphasis on military expansion.

Side: Early 1900's
1 point

Lol, I really want to live in the 80s :')

I'm too young to say "the good ol' days", so it's not like that. Actually it was my mom's "good ol' days"

But I love the music, and, for some reason, the clothes. Lol, and that's about it.

Side: Early 1900's
1 point

Did you read the description, dear? I said nothing more recent than 100 years. Meaning 1900-1910 at the LATEST.

Side: Early 1900's
Saurbaby(5502) Disputed
1 point

And I don't mean like 40s 50s or 60s, for you young kids who missed the "good ol' days". I mean a long time ago.

I did, but this is what I thought were my guidelines, and I don't want to live during a time where hygiene almost non-existent. There's no time before that I'd want to live during.

And that limit is ridiculous, no offense. I think we should be able to imagine living at any time we didn't get to experience. :) And though I know a lot of people only a little older than me got to, and it doesn't seem too interesting to them, it is to me.

Side: Early 1900's

I would like to own a big mansion in the South before the Civil War but I would not want to own any slaves.

Side: Early 1900's