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Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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 Yes(your knowledge) (5)

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shmily93(38) pic

Do you know anything about Kazakhstan?

I live in Kazakhstan. Students study geography very well in my country so we knew many countrieS but when I go abroad a lot of people surprised when they hear "Kazakhstan"

Yes(your knowledge)

Side Score: 6


Side Score: 0
2 points

Well, apart from the fact all other countries are run by little girls, it is the number 1 exporter of potassium, as all the other countries have inferior potassium, It has a wonderful filtration system, it's prostitutes are the cleanest in the region, ( except of course for Turkmenistan's..) It's quite a nice place. Not very nice to Jews though..

This is what I know of Kazakhstan :) I got it from a very reliable source.

Side: Yes(your knowledge)
Del1176(4975) Clarified
1 point
Side: Yes(your knowledge)
1 point

I'm from Eastern Europe, as a kid I've had to learn names of all countries their capitols, location, population, weather, production ...and brief history.

I live in the UK where most of people can't find Britain on a blind map... so :D

Side: Yes(your knowledge)
1 point

I know quite a bit about Kazakhstan. I know all about it's geography, history, politics and culture. I strongly admire Kazakhstan and wish for a long and prosperous relationship between the Kazakh people and Canada. I also have a Kazakh flag.

Side: Yes(your knowledge)
1 point

What do I know about Kazakhstan? Not much, really. More than your average high schooler though I can locate it on a map, south of Russia and west of India, that big country that seems almost parallel to Mongolia, if I'm not mistaken. I know that it was once a part of the USSR, and that their currency is the tenge (I collect coins). Their religion, I assume, is Islam, at least mostly, and I imagine that they have a socialistic type government, a remnant from their Soviet days.

Side: Yes(your knowledge)
1 point

Kazakhstan does not have official religion because there are a lot of kinds of religion.However the most population is Muslims. We do not have socialistic type of government. Kazakhstan is democratic country with Parliament and presidents. There is no any political connection with USSR but some older people have something from USSR which still exist)

Side: Yes(your knowledge)
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