
Debate Info

Tan Burn
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 Tan (1)
 Burn (3)

Debate Creator

croatianchic(285) pic

Do you tan or burn???

I burn if I'm in the sun, 30 minutes, and I'm not even joking... :D


Side Score: 1


Side Score: 3
1 point

I am always tanning . I dont burn . I have noticed that first , when I am out in the sun , I tan a little bit . Then after that GLORIOUS tan , I start to burn the TINIEST bit . That I get another tan over that burn . It's really kinda weird , but cool

Side: Tan

I burn if I'm in the sun for like....20-30 minutes.... it sucks...

Side: Burn
1 point

I burn rather quickly and it takes forever for it to go away. It is very painful. If only I would remember to get sunblock.

Side: Burn

I don't stand out in the sun for a long time because my nose will look like Rudolph's.

Side: Burn