
Debate Info

No, we have won the "War". There will be more attacks.
Debate Score:7
Total Votes:7
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 There will be more attacks. (3)

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fledgling(45) pic

Do you think Osama bin Laden's death will backfire onto the American people?

Now that Osama is dead, it doesn't mean his followers are or won't stop his preachings or possible planned attacks.

Tell me what you think. Do you think we need to be more alert, or forget this?

No, we have won the "War".

Side Score: 0

There will be more attacks.

Side Score: 7
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4 points

I'm not any more or less concerned than I was before... I'm thrilled the sick bastard is dead but his death is merely symbolic. As for the Islamic extremist nut-jobs, they couldn't have hated us any more anyway... Osama's death changes nothing there.

Side: There will be more attacks.
2 points

while happy that Osama is dead it does not mean that his minions are dead and they will come back with an attack and will keep trying till they get it right.

Anytime I have to go through the train station here in NY and see the military there and the dogs and the bag searches makes me so angry that we have to go through all of this still to this day. But I understand that it's necessary.

Side: There will be more attacks.
1 point

I believe there wil be. People should be scared, as al Quaeda have lost their leader. They will be angry. Imagine how you felt if someone killed Obama?

Side: There will be more attacks.