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Debate Score:2
Total Votes:2
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tyronjamison(81) pic

Do you think The Illuminati exists?


Side Score: 1


Side Score: 1
1 point

Yes. In UK we have the same old Oxford Cambridge candidates who have been weaned to be politicians from the moment they started in Public School. The fact Blair set up New Labour after the "sudden" death of John Smith convinced me that someone or some group must be controlling the whole lot. Now that we are sunk into corporatism and Multi National ownership and control - it is clear that something is controlling the lot in their own interest. The recent Bankers failure - when they still get high bonus pay says it all for me. The very name "ILLUMINATI"

is challenging you to prove it exists ?? whatever name, there is a small group of very powerful people who are shafting the rest of us.

Side: yes

It's real because it is mentioned broadly by many people. But I personally believe that the whole social conspiracy thing is false, and absurd. - If one thinks that everything is controlled by secret organisations which is beyond our governments. Then explain whats the purpose of Illuminati existing if we barely see the effect?

Side: No