
Debate Info

He should No he shouldn't
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 He should (3)
 No he shouldn't (1)

Debate Creator

Sunset(2024) pic

Do you think america's toughest sheriff should resign?

With corrupt officers like this we don't need criminals!

He should

Side Score: 3

No he shouldn't

Side Score: 2

This is not any bit of surprising because big government always creates corruption and power, this is an classic example.

Side: He should
1 point

He doesn't seem ashamed at all over what he did. This guy is a real scumbag.

Side: He should

He has caused the taxpayers in Arizona plenty of money. His racial profiling has come under tough scrutiny from the U.S. Attorney General's Office.

Side: He should
2 points

No, Arpaio didn't do anything... if it were proven that the corruption in his department was widespread, then yes... but so far this just appears to be a few rotten eggs. Unfortunately this sort of thing happens all the time.

And, considering this source, MSNBC, they will stop at nothing to smear Arpaio.

Side: No he shouldn't