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 Do you think gay marriage should be allowed? (5)

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youngnat(56) pic

Do you think gay marriage should be allowed?

no homophobic remarks

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1 point

I just don't understand why on Earth gays have to marry. I mean, there's no woman for a man to give a family name to...

But if we are to allow couples to get married without the woman taking the man's name, we should allow gay marriage.

My reasoning may seem weird but I'm proud of my weirdness.

1 point

you see, i agree with you, just because a person has an attraction to the same sex as him/herself, i don't feel that they need to be punished for it

No homophobic remarks?

You better get your ban button ready, people stick to their opinions on this site and this debate might act as a free-for-all.

I say, if you want to get married an experience the woes, and hatred on being together by holy law, go right ahead.

Let cats marry dogs, birds marry fish, chicken marry gravy, these unions make no difference to me.

People who whine that it's wrong think it's against their religion which really shouldn't play a role in someone else's life, or they just think it looks weird and don't want to see it, but they can't always have their way, and need to learn to get over it.

1 point

If we rewind to the 1960's, arguments against same-sex marriage were exactly like-for-like for refusing interracial marriage. This is a civil rights issue and nobody should deny any two people, gay or straight, the right to marry.

Homosexuality is not just a form of sex; it is a form of love and it deserves our respect.

Yes! Even most of the polls in America are showing a majority favoring it.