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 Do you think water fluoridation poses a risk for your health? (1)

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chaosspirit(3) pic

Do you think water fluoridation poses a risk for your health?

It doesn't seem to be an issue where I live(we all drink bottled water anyways) but apparently people in other parts of the world worry about it.

I gather there are several theories surrounding it as well as conspiracy theories,while official authorities deem it safe.Nevertheless,to me fluoridating water to prevent dooth decay seems to be an utterly unnecessary risk to take,even if it's very small (the simple practice of brushing my teeth regularly has been sufficient so far,and I don't have the best genetics either when it comes to dental health).

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no, because its well-studied, has strong evidence 4 its safety, and has high utility. the best way 2 assess conspiracy theories is 2 do research, and see which position has stronger evidence

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