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TheEccentric(3381) pic

Does Christianity make philosophical sense?


Side Score: 3


Side Score: 6

It may not be perfect, but it is one of the wisest belief towards the concept of good and evil

Side: Yes
zephyr20x6(2386) Disputed
1 point

How so? What it has to say about morality personally seems to me to either be back-ass-words or common sense.

Side: No

Not only do they think that thinking of doing a negative or non-virtuous action is as bad as doing it itself but that every sin no matter how small demands unlimited punishment which is just ridiculous.

Side: No
trumpet_guy(503) Disputed
1 point

Not only do they think that thinking of doing a negative or non-virtuous action is as bad as doing it itself

This is about dealing with the heart which also makes alot of sense. It reaffirms or decides many lines that would otherwise be hazy. EX: cursing, swearing, etc. Swearing is not considered a sin because you say a certain word or phrase. Another word or phrase can easily be substituted. "Crap" for "shit", "freaking" for "fuck", "slut" or other words for "bitch", and much more. What makes it a sin is the heart behind the words. Many times you curse because you're mad, you're trying to degrade a person (many examples on this site), or something like this.

every sin no matter how small demands unlimited punishment which is just ridiculous

I believe you are referring to hell? People are not sent to hell for a finite sin. People are sent to hell for rejection of God or the disbelief in God. Not enough evidence you say? Romans 1:18-23 says otherwise. An example of this is how the Big Bang Theory originated. Unknown to many, the idea was originally thought of by a Belgian priest and was applauded by Albert Einstein on his work in the 1930's. Alexander Friedman came along and tried to twist it to his own uses disregarding the priest and the reason it was idealized (an explanation of creation in Genesis 1).

Side: Yes
Thejackster(518) Disputed
2 points

So Hitler (who was catholic) is in heaven right now while all the Jews he killed in the Holocaust are in hell because they did not accept Jesus Christ as their lord and savior?

Side: No

Seriously? Have you read the bible? God sends his only son (who is apparently also himself) to be brutally tortured and killed for our sins to save us from a hell he himself created. Thats like me pointing a gun at your head and demanding that you give me money, and then I claimed that by you paying me that I saved you from being shot.

Side: No
Intangible(4934) Disputed
1 point

What you feel in this life does not matter. How you feel in the afterlife, is what matters... because what's a couple of decades, compared to the eternal?

Side: Yes

Well what do you mean by "philosophical sense"? I don't think it really makes any kind of sense personally.

Side: No