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Yes (And why) No (And why)
Debate Score:14
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 Yes (And why) (4)

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Dremorius(847) pic

Does Evolution have more evidence than Creationism?

Please do not post on this debate if you are a christian/atheist extremist that wants to splash all your rage-filled verbal diarrhoea on this page, without of stating  any evidence or reasons of which support your position. 

Bicker away! :D

Yes (And why)

Side Score: 14

No (And why)

Side Score: 0

Absolutely it does, in that evolution has mounds of indisputable evidence, and creationism has zero evidence at all.

Side: Yes (And why)
4 points

Debates like this are absurd.


By putting Evolution and creationism on the same level gives creationism validity. It is complete and Layman's terms...bullshit. It does not deserve to be argued not the same forum as evolution. I reject the notion that there is room for debate. People are forced to argue it because close-minded, self-centered, blind, ignorant, naive Christians believe we just spontaneously appeared out of nowhere only to be killed by God.


I don't have to disprove creationism. It is an insult to rational humans and shows how corrupt the concept of God has become to many.

And I'm not an atheist so I am exempt from the anti-christian arguments clause of the debate. :)

Side: Yes (And why)
3 points

Creationism is a theory that can never be proven. It can never have any real argument for it, other than reasoning, and faith in a religion, which is by definition, an acceptance of personal conviction over a lack of proof. The bible may not explicitly say the age of the earth, but it does imply that it's around 6000 years old, a statement that has been proven wrong countless times, which does not aid creationism's case.

Evolution, can also never be proven truly. It has however been proven past sigma-5, the accepted amount of probability where scientists accept something as 'fact', just as we can never truly say that 1 + 1 = 2. There's huge amounts of evidence within DNA studies, fossils, the diversity of humans, natural selection, among many other things.

It's also worth noting that as evolution is a scientific fact (not a true fact as I've already said), scientific procedure pushes the responsibility of proof to the other side.

Side: Yes (And why)
3 points

Honestly? This is mildly absurd.

There is NO evidence for creationism, it's all based on "faith". Even a Christian will say that they believe it to be true because they've got faith.

Evolution, on the other hand, has tangible evidence.

Side: Yes (And why)
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