
Debate Info

Theism Atheism
Debate Score:2
Total Votes:2
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 Theism (1)
 Atheism (1)

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SnoopDoug(9) pic

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Challenge Debate: Does God exist?

Arguments for and against God's existence.  The atheist will accept an equal burden of proof and provide arguments against God's existence, e.g. the problem of suffering, divine hiddenness, etc.  I will be defending the argument from motion, a modal ontological argument, and the argument from desire.



Side Score: 1


Side Score: 1
1 point

God is an entity who's omnipotent, omniscient, and morally perfect in every possible world. In short, God is the greatest conceivable being.

Something God-like, but not the maximally great deity described above, might be: a necessary and personal cause of all contingent entities.

Side: Theism
Libertarian1(1069) Clarified
1 point

In short, God is the greatest conceivable being.

Based on what? By what standard is "omnipotent, omniscient, and morally perfect in every possible world" the "greatest" conceivable being(in other words how am I to objectively contest subjective word usage?) And after all, omnipotence already necessitates omniscience and the if the standard of morality is based on his verdict then to include it in his description is redundant.

but not the maximally great deity described above, might be: a necessary and personal cause of all contingent entities.

Based on what? And why qualify the statement like that? Either the being in question created the universe or he didn't.

Side: Theism

What is god ?

Side: Atheism