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Debate Score:36
Total Votes:37
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BenWalters(1508) pic

Does Santorum just say whatever he wants now?


You can take my civil liberties, but my porn? NOW YOU’VE GONE TOO FAR RICK!

Few things about this. First, conservative my arsehole, he’d love to be a totalitarian leader of a religious state, such a hypocrite. Second, how old is he, hardcore pornography through the mail? I don’t even know if that ever happened, yet alone is a major problem nowadays. Finally, how the fuck does he have widespread support? Why are people still voting for this man? What the fuck is going on?]


"America is suffering a pandemic of harm from pornography," the former Pennsylvania senator writes. "It contributes to misogyny and violence against women. It is a contributing factor to prostitution and sex trafficking."

Santorum points to a "wealth of research" showing pornography causes "profound brain changes in both children and adults," and rips President Obama for not doing enough.

Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann, who dropped out of the race in January, previously signed a pledge pushed by influential Christian conservative group, the Family Leader, that among other measures, calls for banning all pornography.

In July, Mitt Romney — Santorum's rival and GOP frontrunner — refused to sign the pledge. It also stated homosexuality is a choice and health risk, banned gay marriage, and called for appointing faithful constitutionalists as judges.

(Surprisingly enough, Santorum signed the pledge.)


Side Score: 26


Side Score: 10
2 points

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you......the Republican Party.

Side: Yes
ThePyg(6706) Clarified
1 point

I suppose a Democrat in Portland calling the soldiers a bunch of fascist murderers represents The Democratic Party.

Side: Yes
Apollo(1590) Disputed
1 point

Is he one of the democratic presidential frontrunners and supported by tens of millions of democrats? No...

Rick Santorum on the other hand is (except it is republicans).

Side: No
garry77777(1775) Disputed
-1 points

"I suppose a Democrat in Portland calling the soldiers a bunch of fascist murderers"

And what is so inaccurate about that statement? It seems to me to be based entirely on fact.

Side: No
2 points

We can at least say one thing... the man sticks to his guns.

He's an extreme Cultural Conservative. The guy has constantly spoken out against any Libertarian influence in the Republican party, and we can see why. Libertarians believe that people should be able to live their lives to their own liking before they die, and Santorum has even spoken out against that.

He doesn't believe in right to privacy if what you do in private is "disgusting" or "immoral".

The man represents the sentiments of the religious right that still exists. Anyone who wonders why Libertarians haven't taken over yet, it's because of this.

One day, when rational thinking and philosophies of liberty trump the idea that government is the same as parents.

Side: Yes
2 points

Apperently this dire hard social conservative doesn't understand the constitution.

Side: Yes

It is sad to see all those claiming to represent American values supporting such nonsense.

Side: Yes

Politicians never really did constitution because if they did, the Constitution wouldn't have been shredded into pieces over the last 100 years.

An conservative asked me if i would vote for Santorum, and I said no, and he responded as to why and would I rather see Obama win, and I said if Paul is not on the ballot, I don't care.

Side: Yes

"Does Santorum just say whatever he wants now?"

Of course, everyone has the right to say what they want, at least we know how extreme he is on the issue.

Regarding pornography, I'm not quite sure he would have jurisdiction over such things.

Side: Yes
1 point

He could say "cream cheese and God if I am elected president" and his followers would give him a standing ovation while the rest of us attempt to comprehend the absurdity.

Side: Yes
1 point

I'm sure he says what he means and he means what he says which is much more than I can say about many other candidates. From the point of view of pure logic, this "debate" seems really weird. It seems like the question is, is Mr. Santorum sincere? Why wouldn't he be? But it looks like all the arguments merely use this "debate" to merely throw out their personal feeling that he is a kook because he is goring (banning) the wrong ox (Porn). Apparently porn is a touchy subject and people are loathe to put any limits on porn no matter how skenky it is because its just not cool. I guess the founders should have envisioned how important the freedom of porn is and should have been more "explicit" in the first amendment about protecting your right to fresh hot pussy on a regular basis. jesus, you hate christians so you make santorum into a pinata and dangle him in front of all these brain dead liberals to line up and take shots at him? Is this what passes for a "debate" based on logic and reason?

Side: Yes

He is a radical and a radical will never be elected by the majority of voters.

Side: Yes
3 points

No... he does whatever God says .

Side: No
1 point

Well, I think he has been saying whatever he wants from the beginning.

I'd be curious to know how precisely these christians who should not be watching porn are going to determine which porn is "hard core."

... Perhaps Santorum is just looking for an excuse to watch more porn.

Side: No
1 point

I think Rick Santorum says whatever southern voters wanna hear. It's working. He is basically appealing to everyone too conservative for Mitt Romney.

Side: No