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Love conquers all Love doesn't conquer all
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:8
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 Love conquers all (3)
 Love doesn't conquer all (5)

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sneeva1(35) pic

Does love conquer all?

The ancient Roman proverb "Love conquers all" means that if one has love then they can conquer anything and everything. Is this true? What do you think?

Love conquers all

Side Score: 3

Love doesn't conquer all

Side Score: 5

Sure, I'll put my philosophical hat on. If you stretch love to encompass passion, then you have a good argument. No-one can achieve anything without some passion for what they practice.

Side: Love conquers all

Yes, there are 2 main emotions which all emotions stem from- love, and fear. They have proven feelings of love to be high in vibration, and since we are matter vibrating at a low level, if we increase our vibration through meditational practices/sleep/astral projection while thinking about feelings of love, then we change from a physical state to an "energy" state, so yes love conquers all things, a silly math test is nothing in the big scheme of things :)

Side: Love conquers all

Love conquered all when the Supreme Court legalized Gay Marriage in 2015 as the law of the land. The supporters were holding up signs reading: "Love Wins."

Side: Love conquers all
1 point

Love alone does not conquer anything. It needs to be teamed up with something else in order to work. If you go into an exam with just love and no knowledge, you WILL fail.

Side: Love doesn't conquer all
1 point

Nope, love alone can not conquer much. Many more things must be factored in to accomplish anything.

Side: Love doesn't conquer all
1 point

Depends on what kind of love it is. Love for another human will not always work. Take, for example, Henry VIII. He married 6 different women, thinking that he loved them all and that they would each produce him a much wanted heir, but they didn't in the end, and he was labelled as one of the top 10 tyrants of all time (believe it or not xD).

However, as a Christian, I love God. Our views are that He created us and that we couldn't have anything better than love for Him. If we praise Him and love Him, then nothing bad can really come onto us, as our rewards in Heaven will be brilliant.

Depends on where you're coming from, but if it's love for humans, then it won't work all the time, even though it could be partially successful.

Side: Love doesn't conquer all
1 point

Love can be one person caring for another unconditionly if that person dosnt fell the same back then all that love is going to conquer is hurting the orignal person

Side: Love doesn't conquer all

no guns do kkk kkk kkk kkk kkk kkk kkk kkk kkk kkk kkk kkk kkk kkk kkk

Side: Love doesn't conquer all