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Con: no it doesnt pro: Yes it does
Debate Score:1
Total Votes:1
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 Con: no it doesnt (1)

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squibs(18) pic

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Challenge Debate: Does pure creativity exist?

What I mean by pure creativity, is the spontaneous and completely original formation of ideas/concepts or matter/structures in nature; both conscious and unconscious. Not subject to any prior influences, experiences, connections, and collaborations. Does anyone think thats possible or can be achieved in any form? 


Con: no it doesnt

Side Score: 1

pro: Yes it does

Side Score: 0
1 point

I actually don't think that pure creativity can exist; human understanding is very limited and carnal, we can only understand by way of analogy of our senses. (For instance, explaining light and darkness would not work for the blind.) But thanks for inviting me for debate.

Side: Con: no it doesnt
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