
Debate Info

Anti-Monarchy Pro-Monarchy
Debate Score:2
Total Votes:2
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 Anti-Monarchy (2)

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Humanist_int(16) pic

Down with the monarchy!

It seems that, with recent events, the global eye has been cast on the Windsor family and, in turn, on other monarchies the world over. 
Is the continued existence of the monarchy justified? 


Side Score: 2


Side Score: 0
1 point

My opinion is that the word PRIVILEGED is very much applicable to all the crowned Monarchs around the globe and their parasitic off-spring.

Whilst Britain's wonderful Queen Elizabeth 2nd was an inspiration to millions of her subjects the rest of her litter are, to a greater or lesser extent a pack of useless wasters who have never achieved anything of substance in their selfish lives.

The pageantry of Queen Elizabeth's funeral was impressive but ridiculously protracted and overdone.

In contrast, the death of the tremendously talented, and lovely singer/songwriter Judith Durham of The seekers who died on August the 5th this year was only scantily reported.

This outstanding women along with her gifted group of musical artists brought delight and lasting pleasure to many millions around the world with such songs as ''I'll never find another you'', ''The Carnival is over'', ''Morningtown Ride'' 'Some Day-One-Day', 'Georgie Girl' and many more, yet withal her life of outstanding achievement passed without the acknowledgement it deserved.

Side: Anti-Monarchy
1 point

While nowadays a lot of monarchs are supposed to be ceremonial they stay privileged almost as if they are still rulers some examples of these privileges even include, The British monarch can't be arrested or be the subject of civil and criminal proceedings, meaning they are effectively exempt from the law, The Queen didn't have to use a passport to travel, and this is likely to also be true for King Charles, Members of the royal family are exempt from paying taxes in certain instances.

Side: Anti-Monarchy
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