
Debate Info

Obama Romney
Debate Score:18
Total Votes:22
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 Obama (3)
 Romney (5)

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Apollo(1590) pic

Election 2012: Barack Obama vs. Mitt Romney

Were the elction to take place today, who would you vote for (forced to choose):

Barack Obama or Mitt Romney?


Side Score: 8


Side Score: 10

It is now 2015 and I am glad that I voted with the majority of American voters to elect Obama for a second term.

Side: Obama
3 points

The idea that jobs are fine and the economy is improved is ridiculous Mitt Romney is by far the better candidate. The only plus of Obama getting elected the first time is that now maybe black minority culture can finally stop believing they are oppressed and stop accusing successful classmates of "acting white" and become equal to whites in more ways than just on paper.

Side: Romney
garry77777(1775) Disputed
2 points

Aren't you forgetting someone, someone who put's all the other republican pawns and demagogue's to shame?

Here let me refresh your memory:;=related

Side: Obama
3 points

Romney will be more careful with our money than Obama

Reasons to agree:

President Obama Has Hinted That He Would Raise Everyone’s Taxes In A Second Term.

President Obama Has Hinted He Would Revive His Cap-And-Trade Plan In A Second Term

President Obama Has Hinted He Would Enact Even More Costly Regulations In A Second Term

Obama gave a lot of money to the people who help him get elected.

Romney is better at investing money than Obama. Romney is better at telling the difference between good ideas and bad ideas.

Romney balanced the budget ever year he was in office.

Obama set record budget deficits every year he was in office.

Solyndra is an example of crony capitalism.

Romney has said that we should invest in basic research, not back truck loads of tax payer money to for profit corporations.

People from the Obama campaign asked Solyndra to not lay people off until after the election.

Obama fails to understand the basic nature of free enterprise in America.

Side: Romney
1 point

Obama has caused nothing but trouble his entire term!


Side: Romney
1 point

about 23 million job losses since Obama took over, the creepy Obama care which will dictate what health care treatment you can get or if u can get any, the Feds taking our individuality and shoving their version of what we want???

am Black and there has got to be something wrong with u if you Vote for Obama.

Side: Romney
0 points

There is more regulations (ie government control) in our economy then ever before. Higher gas prices, lower employment, more US involvment in forein countries, more civil unrest, more class discrimination, higher insurance costs and highest national debt. The health care plan Oboma has passed will never come to fruition he has said so himself, its impossible. The only thing Obama care is good for is his campaign. I don't necessarily like Romney but Obama is not getting re-elected count on it.

Side: Other
Apollo(1590) Disputed
2 points

There is more regulations (ie government control) in our economy then ever before

NO. We have been systematically deregulated the economy for the past 30 years.

Higher gas prices

Nearly half of what Europe pays...

lower employment

Unemployment has dropped 1.5% since its peak.

more US involvment in foreign countries

Obama ended the war in Iraq

more civil unrest

And that is Obama's fault?

more class discrimination

Yes, but it's the republicans war on the poor and middle class.

he health care plan Oboma has passed will never come to fruition

It has already come to fruition.

The only thing Obama care is good for is his campaign.


Side: Obama