
Debate Info

Sick satisfaction Disgrace for sick F.
Debate Score:1
Total Votes:1
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 Sick satisfaction (1)

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monstrasitix(269) pic

Familiar with Vomit Gore?

Is it ok that I like to watch extreme horror movies vonsidering rape, mutilation, gore, child molestation in one picture? I'm talking about movies like Vomite Gore, Niku Daruma, August Underground, Guinea Pig, Serbian Film. These are few sick movies witch I sometimes enjoy because it's contect and it's experiece through a video rather than reality. - So how sick and fucked up is it to like them? OR Is it fine to keep it as your own entertainment? 

But in general. Just state your opinion on them!

Sick satisfaction

Side Score: 1

Disgrace for sick F.

Side Score: 0
1 point

I wouldn't say this, but the other is a little too rude for my tastes...

Side: Sick satisfaction
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