
Debate Info

females males
Debate Score:104
Total Votes:141
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 females (43)
 males (31)

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burcorzin(167) pic

•Females are better students than males.

we had this topic in school last hour and ever one is saying females but how can u say that if they didnt do a study at all about our a pheco


Side Score: 59


Side Score: 45
5 points

Well, everyone's different,

but generally speaking I think that the evidence is clear girls are better at school until higher education at least. Girls tend to mature faster and they are less easily distracted during the lower education years.

Also girls and boys learn differently, boys more visually, girls are better at verbal and written learning. This gives an obvious advantage in most classrooms.

In addition to learning different, the mind works different. Girls all through life (not just the school years) are better at communication in most cases (I even think this has been shown in brain scans, a woman's brain is more active during conversation than a man's), again this is something helpful in a classroom setting so it is an advantage.

Guys are better at some aspects in general. The Male mind for instance generally is better wired for math because of the difinitive nature of numbers - though god forbid this be pointed out lest a feminist start a petition or something.

None of these rules are set in stone though. Some guys are excellent communicators, some women are excellent in math,

but as a general statement it is fair to say females are better students all around.

Side: Females
1 point

I agree,

all and all girls are better students, have you ever sat in a class without a boy interrupting the teacher, being told off, calling out or just mucking about in some way, I know I haven't.

Side: females
judas(295) Disputed
1 point

but generally speaking I think that the evidence is clear girls are better

but as a general statement it is fair to say females are better students all around.

This is all bullshit. You people are up voting a sexist statement. I don't know why this guy acts this way. Maybe he thinks this shit works with women? I don't know. I do know it's sexist and it's bullshit.

There are smart people and stupid people, good students and bad. Gender is relevant. If you want to get right down to grades and graduation rates, different areas have different winners, but overall the numbers are similar. My view is that men and women are equal, although both excel in certain areas.

As far as the maths and sciences, as you mentioned, they are dominated by men. Judging by graduation rates and grades, women are horrible students in these areas. Men also have similar deficiencies in certain subjects.

Making ridiculous "girls are better" generalizations is sexist. If you want to be a super liberal (which you clearly do), the correct answer is "they are equal". This is the point of the entire civil rights movement, that we are equal. Sorry you missed that.

It's funny when someone wants to be so liberal that they actually become a sexist bigot ;)

Side: males
2 points

You are so right. Whoever down voted you is a coward. Up vote.

Side: males
iamdavidh(4816) Disputed
1 point

Equal is not the same. My statements are based on evidence of how our brains are wired, in general, and the effects of things like testosterone and other chemicals, which generally vary between men and women.

There is nothing at all sexist about it. Pretending men and women are the same is not equality, it's stupidity. Not understanding how men and women can be equal without being the same from my view is just as "sexist" as believing one or the other is better... which I do not as I make clear.

Side: females
2 points

In today's world, with the current education system females have it far easier than males.

The system is designed to suit their needs.

Side: Females
2 points

I agree I found this article about it online, many boys are inherently disadvantaged by the way school is taught nowadays. However, if boys are taught properly I feel they can excel just as well as females do in academics.

Supporting Evidence: Article about boys and girls learning styles (
Side: Bit Of Both
1 point

I don't agree with the article so much.

The problem starts at home where they are disadvantaged before they even start school.

The male species need discipline. It's our biggest ally. Discipline from young to old, from boys to men will enhance and benefit us. But because we're treated like girls now with all this softy touchy feely world half these kids don't get to be what they could've.

Side: Females
1 point

I agree but I think the problems with the education system are out of an unfortunate necessity rather than a conscious design intended to benefit females over males. Large class sizes and overstressed teachers result in cookie-cutter education and little personal time for each student, and at an early age boys need that more than girls. If they don't get a little bit when they need it, it could result in a snowball effect of falling behind.

That seems more likely to me than school officials sitting behind closed doors and trying to figure out how to screw over their male students.

Side: Females
1 point

I'm not saying anybody's out there purposefully trying to bring the male sex down. It's just happening that's all. People have in general been blind to it but atleast now they're beginning to see some of the flaws of this 'new age' society.

Treat boys like men.. they'll grow to be men.

Treat girls like women.. they'll grow to be women.

You start treating them all mixed up... you get the results of a fucked up society we're living in right now.

Side: Females
2 points

I have to agree if we´re just talking about colleges. Boy today want to show their "coolness" and that they are not "nerds". Most girls do not have this kind of problem. Girls usually focus on study while most boys spend most of their time on video-games and in childish plays. In a way to determine their personality and to make social contact. There´s almost no discipline today with boys and worse, there are no examples that make a boy want to fallow them. This is a personal perspective of course. Girls have a bit more discipline and do no engage in such childish plays normally.

But when a boy grows up, if he finds the right stimule they can overcome women, as women can overcome men. At the grownup point is the expiriments who determine wich one have the most potencial.

Now a bit of off-topic. I guess this topic is not productive. It´s an appealing to a sexist fight wich has no sense. Of course thats not the intencion of the post but I do believe that this post doesn´t add anything good.

Side: Females

There are plenty of studies done in this area (just google it) and females normally come out on top as an over all average. It is thought that because females mature faster they take a more responsible approach to learning in earlier grades, this is not an absolute rule but is true in the majority of cases. As for males however when they mature they generally catch up in third level education.

Side: Females
1 point

I'd say that females Are in some way, better students, logically.

And most males are prone to being more athletic, but can also be just as great of a student.

Side: Females
1 point

girls because there are some hot ones at some schools and you can get a girlfreind and hang out. if youre like me and have a hot girl for a girlfreind isnt that awsome or what. girls are genaraly smater than boys

Side: Females
Confiance(1) Clarified
1 point

An adage says if u educate a male u educate an individual but if u educate a female u educate a nation, community & family

Side: females
1 point

I picked this cause.....some boys just can`t sit till!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: Females
1 point

Well...... This fact is proven by the girls performance in an overall situation. Girls dont depend on boys to live like the olden days. we also contribute to our country's development... Its not only about guys, guys, guys... we can stand on our both feet. thank you very much.

Side: Females
1 point

continuing with boy and girl thing . it is true that girls are more sufisticated than boys. Boys are wild

Side: females
1 point

Yea we females tend to talk..alot but we know when to control our selves in school.Rather then my male classmates who are obnixous and rude blasting farts in the middle of class being idiots for thinking they are all that but really the are wanna bees

Side: females
1 point

girls are better than males as they do their household activities with school work n realise their responsibilities more faster than boys

Side: females
1 point

females are better because they have self control and they think better than males

Side: females
1 point

It would not be wrong to say that women are better students than men. I have personally observed that women study better than men and score higher. And I will suggest you use this Packers Plaid Printed Bib Overalls in this season of fashion talk.

Side: females
1 point

This is the first time that I visit here. I found so many exciting matters in this particular blog, One thing I would like to request you that pls keep posting such type of informative blog.

Supporting Evidence: rainbow puffer jacket (
Side: females
4 points

Males are just as good students as females. Being a good student relies on your focus, attitude, and overall drive to do well.

Side: Males
ricedaragh(2482) Disputed
1 point

It is for sure that males can be just as good as females for all the reasons you mention.

The fact of the matter though is that as gender they have a greater ability to do well academically up until college at least.

Side: Females
4 points

To a certain extent yes.

However once you get past high school, I'd give the trophy to the males.

Individually it is all really the drive involved. Our number 1 position of my class right now is tied between 2 guys and 1 girl, all three holding a perfect GPA. So with the individual it is all about self perseverance.

So K-12, according to studies girls hold the advantage. However college onward men are the top dog.

So females are better in the beginning but the tortoise wins the race!

Side: Bit Of Both
zombee(1014) Disputed
1 point

However once you get past high school, I'd give the trophy to the males.

Women now outnumber men on college campuses, and overall spend more time studying and less time socializing.

Not to imply an inherent superiority of females over males, but it doesn't make sense for the boys who don't receive the educational help they needed in primary and secondary school to suddenly get ahead by leaps and bounds when it comes to higher education. Of course the disadvantage carries over.

Side: Females
1 point

females are always more concerned with their studies while males donot and girls are more attentive towards teacher

Side: females
Quocalimar(6470) Clarified
1 point

I am not disputing nor supporting I just wanted a way to leave a comment on this debate without taking aside.

Statistics don't prove anything because if you get a new one from another replace the results could be different. We all have capabilities to be good students or Dumb.

Only major deciding factors are willingness to learn, learning disorders, and educational opportunities.

Side: females
3 points

i decide males because there is alot of boys i know that are smarter than me a female

Side: Males
2 points

females are good in school because they study hard as their teachers say to study their lessons while men are just relax.... but males get higher score than to other females because males are more intelligent than females

Side: Males
2 points

males are better than females because young females engage in Premarital sex that result in early pregnancy so that they cannot graduated in their year level....................

Side: Males
2 points

males are creatives in their thinking females are always copping for books for any speeck or any eassy writting so on

Side: males
1 point

Im wayyyyy better than all of you bitches especially DaWolfman. SO why don't you just FUCK OFF WOLFMAN!!!

DaWolfman(3324) Disputed
3 points

To quote someone relatively smarter than you ...

" Those who act the loudest, are mentally the quietest "

The relatively part was the only joke here, take it seriously.

Side: Bit Of Both
1 point

generally females follow the path or advice shown by their teachers they don't take risk to take new initiatives which involves risks.

that's why their logical thinking ability is also less than males.

Side: males
1 point

Thats sexist. Gender does not make one gender better than another.

Side: females
1 point

oao male hi acha bacha tu kia sochta re me tere ko btata male teri marta kholta hahahahaha

Side: males