
Debate Info

Yes! It's so fun to do! No, why would I do that!?
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:8
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 Yes! It's so fun to do! (3)
 No, why would I do that!? (3)

Debate Creator

croatianchic(285) pic

(For Girls) Have you planned you wedding, kids names, etc.

I know I do, but do you?

Yes! It's so fun to do!

Side Score: 5

No, why would I do that!?

Side Score: 3
2 points

I've never really planned my wedding, there's no point in all honesty because I'll build it up and probably be disappointed. All I know is that I want to get married on the beach, something my boyfriend and I have talked about and agreed on.

As for kids names, yes. I've always wanted to be a mother, still do, so names came up in the thoughts.

For a girl, when I was younger, I wanted to name her Arisa. But now I want to name her Cassandra Agatha.

For a boy, Issac Arturo.

Yes, old names, but I love them.

Side: Yes! It's so fun to do!
2 points

Lol I've even told the guy I want to marry someday all of this! x3 My daughter will be named (hopefully if I marry him!) Hope Mae Davis/Song (<- He was adopted and is considering getting his last name changed back to his Korean last name!) and for a boy I will either let him name our son or I'll name him Micah Josef Davis/Song. I want to be married in Hawaii, Honeymoon in Verona, Italy; and I want to become a politician and live in a moderate to big house and have 2-3 kids! Oh, and be a Host family for foreign exchange students! x3 it's fun to think about!

Side: Yes! It's so fun to do!
1 point

ive done it since i was little , i had this big book that planned out my future , i did want 5 kids but now i know that to many ... i want 3 and to be a foster mom ! :) and fer my wedding HUGE

Side: Yes! It's so fun to do!
1 point

No, I don't want to get married or have children. I like children and want to work with them, I just don't want any of my own. I don't see the point in marriage except for practical purposes such as legal rights.

Side: No, why would I do that!?
1 point

I dont get why girls who are in 7 , 8, 9 , grade would even plan on that . Sure it's fun , but that would mean that they are already sexually active....

Side: No, why would I do that!?

Not nescessarily... because you can just like a name or have that planned out with stuf you like.... but I love you anyway, Darling... <3

Side: No, why would I do that!?