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Debate Score:11
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KingOfPopForever(6903) pic

Free Travel And Trade With Cuba:Should It Be Allowed?


Side Score: 7


Side Score: 4

Yes, free trade and travel with Cuba should be allowed with no tariffs or regulations.

Side: yes
3 points

If the goal is to end Communism, the best way to do it is to allow American business into their country.

We've turned China from a genocidal, Communist regime into an asshole Fascist regime by allowing business into it. We can easily end the ideals of Communism in Cuba by just letting Capitalism do what it does best... spread naturally.

Communism, historically, works because of force and ruthlessness. Capitalism, on the other hand, has worked because of just letting the people decide. We would easily see business flourish with less government involvement in Cuba by simply doing business with them.

The pathway to realistic world peace starts with Globalization.

Side: yes

It is now 2015 and the President wants to re-establish free travel and trade with Cuba.

Side: Yes
2 points

Free trade is silly; Particularly for a 'developed' economy. The US needs to protect its agricultural, manufacturing, and service sectors. Whilst I do think it is a smart idea for unrestricted trade between the countries, some protectionist policies could sure make it into the playbooks with the US Government.

Travel should always be to a citizen of a liberal country - You can go in but don't expect us to go beyond diplomatic measures, when something goes bad

Side: No