
Debate Info

GOD is one among creature GOD Creator of Universe.
Debate Score:2
Total Votes:2
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 GOD is one among creature (1)

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Brandan(3) pic

"GOD(We know) is one among the infinite creature in the known Universe"

GOD we know is actually a creature among inifinite creature in universe. Becuase GOD is much more elder to human, and he is Good so he guides us to right path, He know we human are so young, and Devil we know is a creature who wants us to be their side so that they can conquer use. We still young dont know whats going on. For child if we show plane flying on sky, he will never knows how it is been made.

GOD is one among creature

Side Score: 2

GOD Creator of Universe.

Side Score: 0
2 points

Yah man, god is among creature an ting.

Me tink himbe mucha specially for lovin dem man.

Too many devil is not good creature, many man can't drive them car but god can drivea dem universe.

Me mucha hate dem satan. Him a bumberclart.

Side: GOD is one among creature
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